Sedona Light [Phoenix Pictures Images ]
Uploaded: August 18, 2008 07:49:25
Not a new beer either. j/k
Taken from high above all 4x4 roads just outside of Sedoana, Arizona
f22 0.4 sec iso 100 nd grad
Mary Beth Aiello
August 18, 2008
Melissa Olsen August 18, 2008
Outstanding color and DOf. Just a wonderful perspective. #6328761Murry Grigsby August 18, 2008
Terrific landscape Steve! I like your image design with the clouds and foreground suculent plant mimicing each other. Nice crop, low POV, front to back clarity, colors and light. Well done!! #6329007Vladan D. Djordjevic August 18, 2008
Terrific composition, colors, lighting, details and pov!!! Fantastic image! #6329022Jean B. Hall August 18, 2008
Great composition! The plant in the foreground -- along with the lines of the rock formation and unusual clouds make this look like an explosion of desert color. #6329072Steve M. Sieren August 18, 2008
Thanks Mary Beth, Malissa, Murry, Vladan, and Jean.Also thanks to Randy Dannheim for driving over that crazy 4x4 road! #6329265
Summer A. Kozisek August 18, 2008
Great image Steve, fantastic composition, colors and lighting! #6329507Vladan D. Djordjevic September 22, 2008
Congratulations on your superb finalist, Steve! #6490096
Mike D. Perez
September 22, 2008
Eivor Kuchta September 22, 2008
Congratulations on your finalist, Steve! #6490615Michelle Alton September 22, 2008
A brilliant pick by the judges, Steve. Congratulations on all your August finalists! #6492752
Denny E. Barnes
September 22, 2008
Shawn Jennings September 22, 2008
Fantastic! Congratulations on your finalist, Steve! #6493122Donna La Mattino Pagakis September 22, 2008
Pure beauty Steve, another outstanding scenic!! Congratulations again! #6495549Gary Lange September 23, 2008
Steve, terrific Sedona image!! Many congrats on this wonderful Finalist and best of luck!! #6498873Corinne M. Thompson September 23, 2008
Awesome image, Congrats on the Finalist! #6499833Vladan D. Djordjevic September 23, 2008
Big congratulations on your stunning Winner, Steve! I really love this image. Favorite. #6501042Brenda Tharp September 23, 2008
This image is stunning, Steve. The classic landscape formula of including a strong foreground worked perfectly here, and the clouds make the sky incredible - rather than those bald yet beautiful blue skies that AZ can have many days...very well done. #6502269
Usman M. Bajwa
September 23, 2008
Nadya Johnson September 24, 2008
Congratulations on your very stunning Winner, Steve! #6503338
Elida Gutierrez
September 24, 2008
A Special Trophy for
"August Winners"
Dianna Hauf September 24, 2008
WOW! Awesome composition, terrific clarity and eye popping color! YES....what a POV! So happy for your win Steve! Congratulations! #6505928
Marilyn K. Lincecum
September 24, 2008
Kimi A. Phillips September 25, 2008
Congrats to ya!:) #6510499Donna La Mattino Pagakis September 25, 2008
Congratulations Steve, gorgeous! #6511723
Dominick M. Dimacale
September 27, 2008
Dominick #6521961
Reynaldo D. Reyes
October 05, 2008
Maria Warren
November 19, 2008
randy dannheim November 24, 2008
Wow, Steve good job. Glad you picked up a winner from the trip. #6798128Marcel J. Fernandez November 24, 2008
Steve your work nothing short of awesome. #6798835Julianne Bradford March 15, 2009
Wonderful work Steve. So glad to find you here. I'm glad to have found BP..I used to look forward to your photos at MPP. #7289317Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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