little red shoes ~

Uploaded: July 31, 2008 09:34:23


Photo taken of a little girls shoes in late afternoon hours. Thank you for looking!

~ catch all ~

Exif: F Number: 5.6, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 10/1250 seconds, Flash: fired, auto mode, return light detected, ISO: 140, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 200.00 mm, Model: NIKON D40X


Melissa Olsen July 31, 2008

Erika...this has to be one of the cutest photos ever taken. I love the dress and shoes...totally beautiful work!
Outstanding and looks like a winner to me. #970953

Erika Haight July 31, 2008

WOW that is a compliment Melissa! Thank you!!! :))) #6253969

Symona R. Wood July 31, 2008

I agree with Melissa...DARLING!!!!!!! #6253997

Katarina Mansson July 31, 2008

Darling! Love the color tones, composition, POV and DOF. #6254020

Nikki McDonald level-classic July 31, 2008

So cute with those white, lace-edged socks folded over the tops and the red and white gingham with the eyelet trim -- just an adorable capture and very nicely composed. #6254054

Jennifer L. Taranto July 31, 2008

i really love the contrast between the little girly dress & the sneaks LOL!! awesome tones too!! #6254136

Lindley Johnson level-classic July 31, 2008

Very cute, Erika! I love the red and white gingham and the little frilly socks with the red sneakers. #6254145

Melissa G. Meiselman July 31, 2008

Outstanding photo and so very cute the way the red sneakers contrast with the dress, Erika!! Great composition, as well!! #6254160

John Caruso July 31, 2008

Great job Erika! I love the light, the subtle colors, and the tones. I also like the "timeless" quality. #6254214

Erika Haight July 31, 2008

Thank you Symona, Katarina, Nikki, Jennifer, Lindley, Melissa, and John C!! All your comments are greatly appreciated! xox #6254228

Sherran Andersen level-classic July 31, 2008

Very creative capture... I, too, love the colours and comp. Well done. #6256120

Heidi Knight August 01, 2008

Wondeful comp and pov. Great tones. Love it! #6258513

Chastity Abbott August 04, 2008

How sweet this is! I agree...this is one of the sweetest images I have seen in a while!!! #6271202

Donna La Mattino Pagakis August 04, 2008

Nicely composed, very sweet! #6271237

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