Uploaded: December 07, 2004 08:00:11
One of my favorites from a Tee Ball practice in the rain.
Kathleen Clemons December 07, 2004
You really should do a calendar, Rob. Love this- #194610Marcie A. Fowler December 07, 2004
I say this one needs to go in March or April of that fabulous T-ball calendar you ARE going to do Rob!!! Another great capture. Must be tough to get the Georgia red clay out of clothes though. But it makes for fantastic images!!! GREAT JOB!!! #958604Mellanie December 07, 2004
Too cute, Rob! Another wonderful capture! #958605Amy N. Cappelli December 07, 2004
i love this one too! I still don't envy the parents who had to wash those clothes- i'm not a stickler for squeaky clean boy's clothes- I gave up on that along time ago but that is some red dirt and you captured it so well here! #958607Cathy Gregor December 07, 2004
Definitely do a calendar, Rob! Your shots of t-ball are great!Marie Fields December 07, 2004
Terrific image, Rob! (it makes me feel a bit "old" though...since I'm now getting that kind of baseball dirt out of my COLLEGE aged son's uniform!...where has the time gone?)S J December 07, 2004
Fantastic capture, Rob! As always you've done a good job on this! #958638Donna W. Neal December 07, 2004
Awwww, this is too cute. Nice catch Rob #958652Gianna Stadelmyer December 07, 2004
Oh my! A mom's worst nightmare! LOL! Fabulous shot, Rob! Just goes to show boys will be boys:-) #958667Stacey M December 07, 2004
I'll bet he had to strip before he got in the car. Excellent as always!!! #958750
Carolyn M. Fletcher
December 07, 2004
cj patterson December 07, 2004
wonderful!!! I agree, the calendar is a must! excellent!!! #958794Colleen Braun December 07, 2004
adorable... #958809Joy Brown December 07, 2004
Terrific! #959006Kristy E. Lane December 07, 2004
Another great picture! You have such clarity in your images. What lenses do you have for your rebel? What did you use on this one? #959038Rob Friedman December 07, 2004
Thanks Kathleen, Marcie, Mel, Amy, Cathy, Marie, Sanjay, Donna, Jan, Stacey, Carolyn, CJ, Colleen, Joy, and Kristy!Kristy, thank you...and I used a 70-200mm F4L for this one. #959041
Murry Grigsby December 07, 2004
This would be "True Grit" Rob :0) Fun shot!! #959070Amanda Olson December 07, 2004
This is such an adorable image! Your pictures always come out sooo bright; what type of film do you use? Again, great shot!!! :) #959274
Bonnie C. Lackey
December 07, 2004
Rob Friedman December 07, 2004
Thanks Murry, Amanda, and Bonnie!Amanda, thank you--I shoot in digital, so I don't use any film. :) #959438
Robin L. Wehrman December 07, 2004
WOW! Another magnificent capture, Rob!! Fun shot and I also agree you should do a calendar for sure. You sure do a amazing job and you are very good at this. Perfect in everyway outstanding!!!!!!! :-) #959501Casey A. Hanson December 07, 2004
Ha ha, this made me laugh! Great shot! #959680Colette M. Metcalf December 07, 2004
Fun shot, Rob!!! #959807Carol Brill December 07, 2004
A successful practice always meant some dirt- or mud-caked pants, so he must have been working very hard! Terrific image, Rob! #959884Kip T. Berger January 18, 2005
Congratulations on the finalist Rob!!! #1040963Alan L. Borror January 18, 2005
Congratulations,Rob! #1041224
Deborah Lewinson
January 18, 2005
Best wishes,
Debby #1041307
Colleen Braun January 18, 2005
congratulations... #1041429Tom Andersen January 18, 2005
Congratulations on your wonderful finalist, Rob! The best of luck in the next round! #1041848Amy N. Cappelli January 18, 2005
Congratulations Rob! #1041875S J January 18, 2005
Congratulations on this cute finalist, Rob!! Good luck in the next round of judging!! #1042277Paul Michko January 18, 2005
Congrats, Rob. #1042430cj patterson January 18, 2005
Congrats Rob!!! #1042445
Bonnie C. Lackey
January 18, 2005
Cathy Gregor January 18, 2005
Congrats, Rob!Murry Grigsby January 18, 2005
Congrats again and again Rob :0) #1044388Kristy E. Lane January 18, 2005
Congratulations, Rob! #1044841
Diane Addonizio
January 18, 2005
Cindy Paquette January 18, 2005
Hearty congrats Rob!!!! #1045968Colette M. Metcalf January 19, 2005
Congrats Rob! #1047237Kathleen Clemons January 19, 2005
More congrats, Rob! #1047651Robin L. Wehrman January 19, 2005
Congratulations on this magnificent image, Rob!!!! Way to go!!!:-) #1048221S J January 20, 2005
Many CONGRATULATIONS on your second place win, Rob!!! #1049490Gianna Stadelmyer January 20, 2005
Ya know, I thought of this image the other day when all three of my litle ones came home from school looking like this! It's gotta be a good photo when it sticks in your head:-) Congrats on your win!!! #1049529Anette Linnea Rasmussen January 20, 2005
Hi again RobBest wishes
Linnea #1049532
Alan L. Borror January 20, 2005
Congratulations on this excellent winner, Rob! #1049657Joy Brown January 20, 2005
Congratulations on this great winner, Rob! #1049790
Deborah Lewinson
January 20, 2005
-Debby #1049809
Tom Andersen January 20, 2005
Congratulations on your win, Rob! #1049858Cathy Gregor January 20, 2005
Congratulations on your win, Rob!Wally Orlowsky January 20, 2005
Congratulations on this "charming" winner, Rob! #1049932Paul Michko January 20, 2005
Rob, Congratulations on a terrific win. #1049965Colette M. Metcalf January 20, 2005
Congratulations Rob! #1049988Marcie A. Fowler January 20, 2005
A big congrats on your win with this all too cute image Rob!! #1050080Charlene Bayerle January 20, 2005
Way to go Rob....congratulations!!!! #1050331cj patterson January 20, 2005
CONGRATS ROB!!!! #1050332Kara L. Hendricks January 20, 2005
This is a great one Rob!!! Sorry I missed it.. Congratulations on your second place win!!! #1050480Dolores Neilson January 20, 2005
Glad to see this win! No doubt this was a winner, Rob!! Big congrats to you!! #1050542Murry Grigsby January 20, 2005
Congratulations on your win Rob! #1050610Darren K. Fisher January 20, 2005
Way to go Rob, a well deserved win. #1050635Kathleen Clemons January 20, 2005
Congratulations, Rob! #1050698Marie Fields January 20, 2005
Wonderful, Rob! Congratulations!!! #1050753Audrea Telkamp January 20, 2005
Congratulations Rob!!!! Awesome capture!!!! (I agree with Kathleen - you've GOT to do a calendar) #1051033Sharon Day January 20, 2005
Fantastic capture, Rob!!! Big congratulations!!! #1051052Jane Summa January 20, 2005
Congratulations, Rob!!! #1051099
Adilson F. Ferreira
January 20, 2005
Gary A. Meier January 20, 2005
Congratulations on your well deserved win Rob!!! #1051681Dale Gast January 20, 2005
Congratulations on this win, Rob!!! Wonderful image! #1051741Mellanie January 20, 2005
Congrats on this win, Rob! #1051793Wendy Stevenson January 20, 2005
Congratulations Rob on your win with the wonderfully candid shot!! #1051853Debra Booth January 20, 2005
Congratulations, Rob!! #1052150Stephen Zacker January 20, 2005
Congratulations Rob #1052327Rob T. Henry January 20, 2005
Great image, Rob!! Congratulations!! #1052386
William C. Raco
January 20, 2005
bill #1052430
Phil Sauvey January 20, 2005
Rob,A BIG congrats on a wonderful photograph! #1052535
Kip T. Berger January 20, 2005
Great shot on this winning image Rob! Congratulations! Love your t-ball shots! #1052642Edward R. Valdez January 21, 2005
Awesome image!! Congrats on your win!!! #1053539Pamela K January 21, 2005
Excellent shot! Congratulations Rob!Pam #1054652
Robin L. Wehrman January 22, 2005
Congratulations to you, Rob on a well deserved win!!!!! Outstanding!!!! #1056078Leonard Pierce January 23, 2005
Congratulations on your Second Place win Rob!!! #1058890Carolyn J. Connolly May 23, 2005
This is a GREAT shot, Rob!! No wonder it received a Second Place win!! :-)I just hope his mother was able to get that red dirt out of his clothes!! I grew up on Norfolk Island (South Pacific), which has red (volcanic) earth, and it's not easy to shift out of clothing - just ask my mother!! ;-) #1383736
Vishal Sharma July 20, 2007
Awesome capture, Rob! You deserve to be a winner! #4533655Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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