Only U
Uploaded: December 01, 2004 00:04:32
When I looked up and saw U in the morning light, I knew I had to capture that smile.
Donna Roberts December 01, 2004
LOL - this is just brilliant and very clever wording Dan.Tracy D. Siermachesky December 01, 2004
Very cool closeup, Dan! It actually does appear to be smiling. Great composition by the way. #947655
Ronda Chatelle
December 01, 2004
Jordi Delgado December 01, 2004
Wondeful capture, Dan!! Great detail and textures!!! Love it!!:-)) #947664
Danilo Piccioni December 01, 2004
I bet in the evening the smile is even brighter! LOLS J December 01, 2004
What a shot to start the month with, Dan! Great EYE to spot and capture such beautiful object!!! Great work! I love it a lot! #947678Anette Linnea Rasmussen December 01, 2004
Thank you Dan;-) Love the shot and the title too, nicely done!Best wishes from Linnea #947715
Donna La Mattino Pagakis December 01, 2004
Hi Dan, this is a great simple, yet outstanding image. Very nice work!! The shadows work well and I like the comp. #947720Donald K. Cherry December 01, 2004
Very nice abstract still life, Dan! Good luck in the November had some really killer shots! #947734Paul Michko December 01, 2004
"Can make my dreams come true, only "U"." Sorry, you got that song in my head now, so everyone should :) Great capture and composition, Dan. #947749Alan L. Borror December 01, 2004
Wonderful, Dan! Well seen and composed. Great title and lead-in, too! #947760Janet L. Skinner December 01, 2004
And to U too!! Great shot, Dan!!! #947775Allan L. Whitehead December 01, 2004
"Only you, can make all this change in me, for it's true, you are my destiny, eh…"Marvelous macro, Dan, I love the composition, the coloring and the over-all imagry. Very well done, my dear friend - your good friend, Allan
Carolyn M. Fletcher
December 01, 2004
Colleen Braun December 01, 2004
great capture...
Diane Addonizio
December 01, 2004
Wally Orlowsky December 01, 2004
Great eye, imagination, and execution, Dan. Just think, if you had seen "W", it would have been twice the fun ;) #947888Cathy Gregor December 01, 2004
Super abstract, Dan! (as usual)Cindy Paquette December 01, 2004
Tongue and Cheek title! Wow...what a fantastic abstract Dan! Love the placement of the "U"...the blue bg is fabulous for that letter and I also love that there appears to be leaves shadowed within the letter!!! #947975
Claudia Kuhn
December 01, 2004
Michael Allen December 01, 2004
Twenty-five more to go in the series, Dan. LOLNice framing, great 'U'. ..mike ;-] #948040
Joy Brown December 01, 2004
Terrific! #948053Amy N. Cappelli December 01, 2004
Awww, I love "U"Sharon Day December 01, 2004
Terrific shot, Dan!!! Wonderful color and composition! U did a great job! #948130Patty Razonable December 01, 2004
Excellent capture, Dan! #948139Patricia A. Kuniega December 01, 2004
Only U can make this world seem rightLove the light, lines and shadows! It's a real Up beat image!
Donna J. Taff December 01, 2004
Fantastic image, Dan!!!!! And I love everyone's singing today!!!! I would jump right in but I even type off key!!! #948430Margot Petrowski December 01, 2004
Very Clever, Dan!! I love it!! #948488Murry Grigsby December 01, 2004
Nice image and words as usual Dan! Where most see a "U" the photographer sees a smile :0) #948496Nobu Nagase December 01, 2004
U r the man!!!Jill Flynn December 01, 2004
Great shot and use of shadows Dan. You have a good eye. #948528Mellanie December 01, 2004
Wonderful composition and color, Dan! Terrific! #948555cj patterson December 01, 2004
cool shot...and love that title! excellent eye Dan!! #948567Jessica McCollam December 01, 2004
FANTASTIC DAN!!! #948593Stacey M December 01, 2004
"U" Rock Dan!!! (couldn't resist) #948685Stan Kwasniowski December 01, 2004
Dan, with your photography, we dont have a chance. lol j/k, very nice and thoughtfully doneStan Kwasniowski #948713
Marcie A. Fowler December 01, 2004
"U" are amazing!! What a fabulous and fun image you've created here. Great capture of light, shadows, lines and curves. And once again great job on a creative by-line to go with the image. OUTSTANDING!!! #948752Debbie Fleri December 01, 2004
saeed shahin kia December 01, 2004
Terrific image, Dan! #948807Brinn MacDougall December 01, 2004
Can U handle one more comment? a way to start of the month..another wonderful shot! #948823Paul C. Gazzanigo December 01, 2004
This is a home run, Dan! #948833Karma Wilson December 01, 2004
This is way cool. Love the title!Karma #948862
Kathleen K. Parker
December 01, 2004
Kip T. Berger December 01, 2004
Like the use of shadows and horizontal lines Dan! Sorry I missed commenting on this sooner. #949051Dan Holm December 01, 2004
Donna, Tracy, Ronda, Jordi, Danilo, Sanjay, Linnea, Donna P., Donald, Paul, Alan, Janet, Allan, Carolyn, Colleen, Diane, Wally, Cathy, Cindy, Claudia, Michael, Joy, Amy, Sharon, Patty, Patricia, Donna T., Margot, Murry, Nobi, Jill, Mellanie, C.J., Jessica M., Stacey, Stan, Marcie, Debbie, Saeed, Brinn, Paul, Karma, Kathleen and Kip: Thank you all VERY much! I genuinely appreciate your kind feedback and comments!! #949148Terry R. Hatfield December 01, 2004
Excellent Title And Capture Dan:-) #949162Mary K. Robison December 01, 2004
Oh, Dan ~ "...the magic that you do..."GREAT title and story, for a well-seen and VERY well-shot image! #949173
Darren K. Fisher December 01, 2004
U always seem to find just the right composition and then U put some wonderful words with it, to take it over the top. #949192Dan Holm December 01, 2004
Thanks so much, Terry and Mary!! I truly appreciate it! #949193Wendy Stevenson December 01, 2004
U have captured the essence of pun!! Very clever Dan - a really fun shot!! #949259
Deborah Lewinson
December 01, 2004
-Debby #949329
Jennifer Rennison December 01, 2004
What an excellent find, capture and wording...Fabulous image, Dan! #949346Dan Holm December 01, 2004
Thank you, Wendy, Debby and Jennifer!! I appreciate it very much! #949369
Brenda W. LaFleur
December 01, 2004
Leonard Pierce December 01, 2004
Another fantastic image Dan, U R the GR8est! #949411Phil Sauvey December 01, 2004
Dan,Wonderful detail! I like how the lighting effects are captured here. Again, wonderful detail as usual! U did a great job! #949423
Dan Holm December 01, 2004
Thanks so VERY much for your generous feedback and encouraging comments, Brenda, Len and Phillip!! I do appreciate it! #949469Patricia Marroquin December 01, 2004
How come no one has asked what this was a part of? :-) Is this from Universal City Walk, Dan? I loooove Nobi's comment. U da man, Dan! :-) This is great! #949503Dan Holm December 02, 2004
Thanks so very much, Patricia! I appreciate it! ... Yup! It's the sign above the movie theaters at Universal Citywalk! Somehow, I KNEW you'd know that! ;) #949508Patricia Marroquin December 02, 2004
;-) #949514Patrick Campbell December 03, 2004
Great job, as U-sual, Dan. #952460Janet Detota December 03, 2004
So clever! #952621Stephen Zacker December 03, 2004
Very creative. Great title! #952642
Evy Johansen
December 03, 2004
Dan Holm December 04, 2004
Patricia, Patrick, Janet, Stephen and Evy: Thanks so much! I appreciate it! #953294
Kevin Nugent
December 04, 2004
Dan Holm December 08, 2004
Thank you, Kevin! I appreciate your feedback! #959999
Candice C. Calhoun
December 08, 2004
Candice #961127
Susan T. Evans
December 09, 2004
Dan Holm December 09, 2004
Thanks so VERY much, Candice and Susan!! I appreciate it! #963360S J January 17, 2005
Congratulations again on this beautiful and well deserving FINALIST, Dan!! Good luck in the next round of judging!! #1040440Jessica McCollam January 17, 2005
CONGRATS!!!! Best of luck, Dan!:) #1040473Donna Roberts January 17, 2005
I may have been the first to say how great this was.... but I won't be the last to say "CONGRATULATIONS DAN"Stanley J. Contrades January 18, 2005
CONGRATULATIONS, Dan, on your winJonna Bergström January 18, 2005
Congratulations!!! #1040849Jordi Delgado January 18, 2005
"U" are an inspiration, Dan!! Congratulations for this finalist!!!:-)) #1040899
Patty Razonable January 18, 2005
Thats a "ditto" with Jordi!!! Congratulations, Dan!!! #1041119Kip T. Berger January 18, 2005
Congratulations again Dan!!! :) (Y) #1041139Amy N. Cappelli January 18, 2005
Congratulations! this one always makes me smile, so happy to see it again :-) #1041820Tom Andersen January 18, 2005
Congratulations on another finalist, Dan! #1041955Patrick Campbell January 18, 2005
Congrats Dan! #1041956
Candice C. Calhoun
January 18, 2005
ccc #1042354
Patricia A. Kuniega January 18, 2005
U be the man! Congratulations on your terrific finalist, Dan! Good luck! #1042364Paul C. Gazzanigo January 18, 2005
Fabulous! Very happy to see this here... Congratulations! #1042757
Brenda W. LaFleur
January 18, 2005
Paul Michko January 18, 2005
Congrats, Dan. #1042974Nobu Nagase January 18, 2005
U Whoo!!!Wendy Stevenson January 18, 2005
I just NU this would make it!! Congrats on U'R finalist and best of luck on the next round!!! #1043561Mata Patan January 18, 2005
This is the most original photo and title of your gallery! This has to win!!! #1043879Denys January 18, 2005
Yes yoU have Great Eyes! Very, Very Well deserving finalist, Dan! #1044223Donna J. Taff January 18, 2005
Congrat's again, Dan!!! #1044370Roger D. Meador January 18, 2005
Very much deserved, Dan. Congratulations. #1044446Murry Grigsby January 18, 2005
Congrats again Dan! #1044550Cindy Paquette January 18, 2005
Ever amazing and ever creative...Congratulations again Dan for this wonderful image!!! #1044600Noel Baebler January 18, 2005
Yet another striking image! Congratulations, Dan! #1044882Marie Fields January 18, 2005
Congratulations on all of your terrific finalist images, Dan! Best of luck in the next round! #1045162
Deborah Lewinson
January 18, 2005
Best of Luck,
Debby #1045251
Diane Addonizio
January 18, 2005
Jennifer Rennison January 18, 2005
Congratulations on your finalist, Dan! #1046757Debra Booth January 19, 2005
Thanks, Dan, for sharing that smile! Congratulations again! #1047243Colette M. Metcalf January 19, 2005
Congrats again, Dan!!! #1047491Robin L. Wehrman January 19, 2005
Congratulations again on this outstanding finalist, Dan!!! #1048023Stan Kwasniowski January 19, 2005
Dan, CongratulationsStan Kwasniowski #1048344
Terry R. Hatfield January 19, 2005
Congratulations On Your Finalist Dan!!! #1049112
Eric Highfield
January 22, 2005
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