Chicago Dawn [City of Chicago Pictures]
Uploaded: November 06, 2004 21:38:12
The incredible view in our Holiday Inn top floor hotel room kept me waking up throughout the night to take even more photos. Canon 28-135 mm IS lens, at 28 mm, ISO 1600, f6.7, 1/6 sec. Nik Dfine to reduce some of the noise.
Susana Ms Heide November 06, 2004
WOWWWW!!!! That truly IS an incredible view!! Looks almost dream-like. It was worth getting up for! #186153Leanne M.E. Boyd November 07, 2004
Cool shot, Janelle! #894867
Kathryn (Love) Scheet
November 07, 2004
Janelle Barry November 16, 2004
Thanks to all of you for your enthusiastic comments! We really lucked out with this room - had no idea it would be the best one in the hotel, and sure didn't pay for the "best one"! The views were so stunning I really didn't want to go to sleep. #918986Leonard Pierce December 16, 2004
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! #979938Latief Askari December 16, 2004
Hi Janelle Barry
Luigi Di Serio
June 23, 2005
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