Broken Strings, Broken Dreams [Musical Instruments Music Pictures etc]
Uploaded: March 02, 2008 00:01:47
Category : Elements of Design
Exif: F Number: 2.8, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 10/300 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 105.00 mm, Model: NIKON D70
Donna La Mattino Pagakis March 02, 2008
Creative effects, nice comp and light SuSana! #867451
Evy Johansen
March 02, 2008
Paul E. Earl March 02, 2008
A real stunner, SuSana! Great work! #5580315Mukesh Srivastava March 02, 2008
Beautiful colorfull musical capture Susana!!! I love contrast in color and title too. #5580319
Dominick M. Dimacale
March 02, 2008
Dominick #5580320
Lynne Morris March 02, 2008
Lovely capture with great effects Susana. #5580362Mary K. Robison March 02, 2008
Gorgeous colors, elegant diagonal comp, and nice effects, SuSana! #5580412Brett Dolsen March 02, 2008
I love guitars and this is beautifull presented SuSanna!!Graeme yew Chow March 02, 2008
Another great presentation and it will hit the judges mind, Susana. #5580438
Stefania Barbier
March 02, 2008
Margaret R. Barry March 02, 2008
Beautiful image, SuSana. Fantastic colors, composition and effects! #5580532Ray Clarke March 02, 2008
Lovely composition and light susana #5580567
Carolyn M. Fletcher
March 02, 2008
Manuel Barrera March 02, 2008
As the crows said in Dumbo, "I done seen every thing." Gorgeous, SuSana #5580607Tiia Vissak March 02, 2008
great colors & effects! #5580662Carol Sawyer March 02, 2008
Beautiful capture, wonderful lighting, colors, and great effects,SuSana!!! #5580669
Laurence Saliba
March 02, 2008
Michelle Alton March 02, 2008
SuSana, you seem to pull your color from a spectrum that doesn't live on earth. What a magnificent treatment here! Just gorgeous.Aimee S. McMaster March 02, 2008
...wonderful pov and use of effect Susana...Aimee #5581097
Claudia Kuhn
March 02, 2008
Donald K. Cherry March 02, 2008
Very lovely image and effect, Susana! #5581198
Les Rhoades
March 02, 2008
Deb Koskovich March 02, 2008
Beautiful! Love the diagonal comp, SuSana. #5581279
William C. Raco
March 02, 2008
Melissa G. Meiselman March 02, 2008
Very elegant and eye catching compositon with great design elements and wonderful effects, Susana!! #5581458Rajeev Kashyap March 02, 2008
Beautiful composition and light Susana..........Rajeev #5581686Nadya Johnson March 02, 2008
Very stunning and creative! Love the light, Susana! #5581692Roxanne M. Bubar March 02, 2008
SuSana, gorgeous tones, lighting and awesome details. #5582142Karen Engelbreth March 02, 2008
Beautiful image and a great title, SuSana! #5582154Jennifer L. Alder March 02, 2008
The treatment here is fantastic, SuSana!John Connolly March 02, 2008
Fabulous composition and effect here Susana! Excellent work, my friend! #5582343Alison Krylowski March 02, 2008
Great comp, lines and effects, SuSana! #5582630
Patrick Rouzes
March 02, 2008
Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna March 02, 2008
Love the tones and effects, SuSana!!!!! Beautiful work...again!!!!! :-) ♫ k #5583318Bill Wyatt March 02, 2008
Beautiful colors I love the effects too! #5583469Ujjwal Mukherjee March 02, 2008
A terrific capture and wonderfully presented,Susana! #5583967Pat Gamwell March 03, 2008
Exquisite work, Susan! Captivating colors! #5584573Patricia Ronan March 03, 2008
Love the image and comp. SuSana and great digital effects:) #5587769
Jim Baines
March 03, 2008
Colleen Farrell March 03, 2008
Beautiful! The frac filter works really well here, SuSana! #5589214Daniella Puente March 07, 2008
Excellent result! composition and effects joined here works GREAT... #5608369
Stefania Barbier
April 21, 2008
Linda D. Lester
April 21, 2008
Elida Gutierrez
April 21, 2008
Congratulations on your finalist!!! #5818361
Erin Appelbaum April 21, 2008
Congrats again SuSana. Peter #5818644Jennifer L. Alder April 21, 2008
LOL---- I think you set a record. I have totally lost count. Congrats, SuSana. :) #5818773
Deborah Lewinson
April 21, 2008
Debby #5819081
Paul E. Earl April 21, 2008
A Big CONGRATULATIONS for your well deserved finalist! #5819435Margaret R. Barry April 21, 2008
Congratulations on your beautiful finalist, SuSana! #5819527
Ken Smith
April 21, 2008
Christian Rosito April 21, 2008
Wonderful, you are one fantastic photographer. Congratulations SuSana!! #5820001Renee Doyle April 21, 2008
What a month!!!!! Congratulations once again Susana!!! Just fantastic! #5820827Carla Metzler April 21, 2008
Congratulations, Susan! #5821171Mukesh Srivastava April 21, 2008
Smile please 1,2,3....... Another shot to feel very happy. CONGRATS on this great Finalist, SuSana!!! Gud luck for the GOLD!!! #5821188Robert Baer April 21, 2008
congrats on this great image susana! #5821666
Evy Johansen
April 22, 2008
Nikki McDonald
April 22, 2008
Teresa Burnett
April 22, 2008
Patrick Rouzes
April 22, 2008
mangis (Marcus Grandon)
April 23, 2008
Jeff Robinson
April 23, 2008
Tiia Vissak April 23, 2008
Congratulations! #5830387Michael G. Marshall April 25, 2008
Congratulations on your finalist SuSana! Michael #5840434
Arnie Horwitz
April 26, 2008
Linda Blair April 27, 2008
Great image SuSana....congratulations!!!! ☺ #5849121Cheryl E. Molennor May 04, 2008
Please accept my late congratulations. Mycomputer has been down. #5882058Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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