In the groove [Puppies]
Uploaded: January 07, 2008 06:30:52
"If dogs could talk, it would take a lot of the fun out of owning one." ~Andy Rooney~
Exif: F Number: 9, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/40 seconds, Flash: fired, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 100, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 64.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 40D
Sherry L. Davis January 07, 2008
How adorable! I love it! So cute! It is awesome how you got your dog to pose like that! #823951Shawn Jennings January 07, 2008
What a great capture, Barbara! #5304243Donna Dunbar January 07, 2008
Really cute capture!!! #5304286Chris M. Kemper January 07, 2008
Wow, Barbara! Great capture!
Carolyn M. Fletcher
January 07, 2008
Lisa D. Greer January 07, 2008
LOL That is sooooo cute! I'm betting on a winner! :) #5304519Louise Kumpf January 07, 2008
Oh my, Barbara, this is too cute for words! Terrific work! #5304552
Flavio Carnevale
January 07, 2008
Linda Blair January 07, 2008
Simiply the cutest capture I've it!!!!!! ☺ #5305174Jeana Clark January 07, 2008
~J~ #5305303
Daniella Puente January 07, 2008
So CUTE and so COOL :o)))))))))))))) #5305502Tiia Vissak January 07, 2008
Lovely & original! #5305590Judi Morrissey January 07, 2008
sooo cute! #5305665Ronald Balthazor January 07, 2008
Terrific work, Barbara. I'd be interested in knowing what music was playing. #5305823
Theresa Marie Jones
January 07, 2008
Mary Anne Frey January 07, 2008
Awww, Barbara this is adorable! #5306232Jessica Jenney January 07, 2008
A true music lover! Terrific capture, Barbara! #5306694Sharon Day January 07, 2008
This is just too cute, Barbara!!! Sophie looks like she's really grooving LOL. I guess I'm giving away my age with that one :o). #5306934
Anne M. Young
January 07, 2008
Gene Spears January 07, 2008
couldn't be cuter - nice work, Barbara! #5307588Vicki L. Filippin January 08, 2008
Rakesh Syal
January 08, 2008
Best regards, Rakesh #5311109
Brandi-Lee Cester January 11, 2008
Soooooo cute!! Great capture Barbara, there is no way my dog would stay still for a split second, you must have been very quick, well done! #5325917
Cliff & Patti Smith
January 17, 2008
Kara L. Hendricks January 17, 2008
This is the cutest thing I have EVER SEEN!!!WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Adding to my favs!!!! #5352969
Michelle L. Frick January 17, 2008
OMG - soooooo cute!!! #5353013Lisa A. Car January 17, 2008
THis is SO AWESOME! I love this so much! #5353107Jillian Danielson January 17, 2008
ohhhhhhhhh my gosh!!!! I say winner too!!! Sooooo cute! #5353388Marcie A. Fowler January 17, 2008
THis is just way too cute!!!! #5353481JO ANN CLEVELAND January 17, 2008
Ohhhhh! This is adorable1 How in the world did you get this guy to do this!?jo ann c. #5353657
Nikki McDonald
January 17, 2008
Barbara Helgason January 17, 2008
Wow, thanks everyone, I was wondering why I got so many comments on this picture today, but it must be because someone shared it with their group. When I captured Sophie shaking her head, I thought the picture was a waste until I saw it on the monitor and I noticed she looked like she was listening to music. So for those of you who were wondering, yes, the earphones were photographed separately and added later in photoshop. #5354201Sue McLeod January 17, 2008
Sooo great Barbara!! A great shot & then the earphones just take it to the next level!! :) #5354549Kara L. Hendricks January 17, 2008
I'm the one who shared it with my yahoo group Barbara...:) I even sent it to family... This is so wonderful.. I have NO DOUBT you'd make a MILLION as a poster!!!! #5355640Kara L. Hendricks January 17, 2008
Nikki.. The EFP's is where I saw it too... And I DID sit there and hit reload till I found it again... 355 reloads later...:)What can I say, it was worth it... I loved the thumbnail and I love it FULL SIZE... Made it a fav.
Barbara... This has my vote for GP!!! #5355651
Barbara Helgason January 17, 2008
Thanks Kara, I'm flattered ... a million sure would be nice! :) #5356115Kara L. Hendricks January 18, 2008
I'm not kidding... You should figure out who to contact about that... It would sell!!!! And sell BIG TIME!!! #5359376Shirley A. Kinney January 18, 2008
Barbara, this is just too cute. Not only is this an adorable pup but the added earphone is perfect for her expression. Priceless, indeed. #5361237Shannon Mills January 19, 2008
SERIOUSLY! THE BEST PUP PIC I HAVE EVER SEEN!~ You really should look into selling it! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #5363050
Shirley Sicurello
January 23, 2008
Chris Ebben January 26, 2008
You have certainly outdone yourself this time, no not really, all Sophie's pictures are wonderful. Very good editing, I reckon this would sell, go for it girl!! I'll be waiting to see it over here & I'll send it to you. Good one=^..^= #5398269Lorri Shane January 26, 2008
How sweet is this! Amazing! yes--Apple should be interested in buying it!? #5399450
Elida Gutierrez
January 26, 2008
Lou Taylor January 27, 2008
Very cute and creative! #5404340Aleksandra Miesak January 30, 2008
I want to see this as an Ipod add!!! You should definitely go as far as you can with this one. PERFECT!!!! #5416836Carolyn M. DAlessandro February 05, 2008
I refused the temptation to read what everyone else said thinking they probably said what I was thinking...ADORABLE!!! So cute, so original, so darling...BRAVO for your creative side and your darling model. I love it!!! #5449930Sylvia Rossler February 22, 2008
THIS HAS TO BE A WINNER !!! So unbelievable cute with a perfect timing !!! Big congrats on your finalist Barbara :O) #5532992Tammy Espino February 22, 2008
Adorable capture , congrats on finalist! Whoooooooo :) #5533183
Nikki McDonald
February 22, 2008
Diane Dupuis February 22, 2008
This is superb! #5533817Shawn Jennings February 22, 2008
I hope we see this one again, Barbara! Congratulations on your finalist! #5533897
Elida Gutierrez
February 22, 2008
Anna Diederich February 22, 2008
This is adorable!! Congratulations on your awesome finalist! :) #5535163
Leslie McLain
February 22, 2008
Amanda Chapman February 23, 2008
Get out!!!!Amanda Chapman February 23, 2008
Get out!!!!
Cliff & Patti Smith
February 23, 2008
Robert Baer February 23, 2008
congrats for this darling image. you should enter this in some doggie contest or music theme. it is fantastic!! #5538541Susan Fox February 23, 2008
Congratulations on your adorable finalist Barbara! #5539046Jeana Clark February 23, 2008
~J~ #5540201
Corinne M. Thompson February 23, 2008
Congrats on a well deserved Finalist #5540384
Erica Murphy
February 23, 2008
Robin R. February 23, 2008
Fabulous. Congrats. #5541650
Dennis Flanagan
February 23, 2008
Barbara Helgason February 24, 2008
Wow, thanks everyone, I've never, ever in all my time here at Bp had this many compliments on one picture! #5546858Sue McLeod February 24, 2008
& now for a yellow badge Barbara!!! Fingers crossed... :) #5547029Kara L. Hendricks February 25, 2008
Well, this is no surprise...:) I expect to see a GOLD under this baby, VERY SHORTLY!!I almost bet it wins First Place or GP!!
It deserves it! #5549507
Michelle L. Frick February 26, 2008
Congratulations on the Gold!!! I love this image - it makes me smile everytime I see it! #5555562David W. Orias February 26, 2008
I really loved this shot. Congratulations. #5555580
Flavio Carnevale
February 26, 2008
Sylvia Rossler February 26, 2008
And here it comes !!!! Big congrats on your fully deserved win Barbara :O) :o) #5555617Shawn Jennings February 26, 2008
Woo Hoo, Barbara! I'm glad to see this one get the gold! Congratulations! #5555737Jeana Clark February 26, 2008
~J~ #5555760
Elida Gutierrez
February 26, 2008
Trophy: #5555986
Corinne M. Thompson February 26, 2008
WTG! Congrats on your win! #5556039Susan M. Smith February 26, 2008
OMG! This is just too cute!!!! Congratulations on your win Barbara :) #5556044
Janet McNeil
February 26, 2008
john dunne February 26, 2008
Fantastic photo. Well done it could have gone all the way #5556673Linda Blair February 26, 2008
Congratulations on your win....I knew we'd see this again!!!!!!!! ☺ #5556826Nadya Johnson February 26, 2008
Congratulations on your absolutely wonderful winner, Barbara! #5556974
Anne M. Young
February 26, 2008
Kay E. Mahoney
February 26, 2008
Amanda Chapman February 26, 2008
YEAH!!!!Susan Fox February 26, 2008
Congrats on your win! #5557506Cyn Valentine February 26, 2008
So cute!!! Congratulations Barbara on this great winner!!! #5557517Lisa A. Car February 26, 2008
Congrats!!!! I knew this was a winner for SURE!!! #5557721
Evy Johansen
February 26, 2008
Linda D. Lester
February 26, 2008
Dawn M. Schneider February 26, 2008
This is such a great shot!! congrats on the win #5558608
Su Sana E. P
February 26, 2008
Susana Ms Heide February 26, 2008
What can I say that hasn't been said yet?? I guess just a big DITTO!! CONGRATULATIONS Barbara!!! #5558998
Les Rhoades
February 26, 2008
Cindy Bendush
February 26, 2008
Colette M. Metcalf February 27, 2008
Congratulations!!! #5560469Sharon King February 27, 2008
Brought a smile to my face! This is so adorable! Congratulations! #5560759
Emile Abbott
February 27, 2008
cheryl m. phillips February 27, 2008
Congratulations Barbara!! Well deserved!Kristi A. Howson February 27, 2008
Congratulations on this wonderful Winner Barbara !!! So Cute. #5561895Jill Flynn February 27, 2008
Sweet as can be!!!! Congratulations on your win Barbara! #5562071
Donna M. Paul
February 27, 2008
Sharon Day February 27, 2008
I'm not surprised to see this one in the winner's circle, Barbara! Sophie is a winner in more ways than one ;)! Big congratulations! #5563996Susan M. Campbell February 28, 2008
Congrats!! This is a terrific shot. A well deserved winner.Soooooooooooo cute! #5568351
Donna La Mattino Pagakis February 28, 2008
A HUGE smile from me Barbara, this image ROCKS!!! Congratulations on your win! #5569895Dr. Harmeet Singh February 28, 2008
This is so cute.Congratulations.... #5570470Sherrye Nozaki February 29, 2008
Oh Good Lord this is FANTASTIC! I just love everything about it:) #5570989RC Fritz March 03, 2008
So cute, so cute!! Congratulations!!! #5585397
Dominick M. Dimacale
March 14, 2008
Dominick #5640796
C A April 05, 2008
Very original and super cute. Great shot!! Congrats on your win. #5746606Brook Burling May 22, 2008
This makes me smile. . . I love it!!! and a big Congrats too!! :D #5962218Chris Ebben September 23, 2009
Guess who I just spotted on !!!! Looking good=^..^= #7977833Datha Y. Thompson February 03, 2011
I have had this in my FAVS forever and I just cant believe I never left any comment on it!!! This is soooooooooooooo Adorable and just PERFECT in every way!!! A very Belated Congrats and also saw this in Staples on a mouse pad "Irresistable" !!!! Congrats on that too :) Have you made your million with it yet?!!! You should :) #9210695Barbara Helgason February 03, 2011
Thanks Datha, I haven't made a million with this one, but it has been a best seller for three years straight now! Our Sophie has become one famous little puppy thanks to this pic! #9210779Liz blahh November 14, 2014
This is most adorable! Congratulations on a well deserved winning image!!! #11186233Mary K. Robison November 15, 2014
Any prize you win (i.e., bp's Gold Winner), and any money you make, is royally deserved, Barbara!
Nancy L. Green
April 30, 2016
Lydia Williams
April 30, 2016
Michelle Alton April 30, 2016
Of course this is an all time winner! Congratulations on the triple gold! #11468075
Amanda D. Austwick
May 01, 2016
Teresa Burnett
May 02, 2016
Richard M. Waas May 02, 2016
Adorable... Congrats on a well deserved POTD!! #11469593Vicki J. Mudd May 06, 2016
Absolutely one of my very favorite photos on Better Photo. Congratulations on your well-deserved 2nd place winner, ATEP and POTD!
Patricia A. Casey
May 07, 2016
Paula Showen May 11, 2016
A favorite for me! Congratulations on all of your well deserved gold! #11473066James Kooper May 12, 2016
Its really adorable! #11473360Patricia Fritsche August 11, 2016
A keeper for sure gotta love it!! #11504621Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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