Red Arrows climbing in formation [Aerial Photography]
Uploaded: September 29, 2002 17:12:25
Red Arrows British aerobatic team climbing in formation.
Damian P. Gadal September 29, 2002
Very nice! #9991
Sharon E. Lowe
September 29, 2002
Robert Pranagal September 29, 2002
Thank you Damian and Sharon!I noticed the misalignment too. I tried to call the lower guys on the mobile phone, but the line was busy...
Actually, the shot was taken during an unofficial show at a military airbase in Poland.
The Red Arrows were just stoping over in Poland while flying home from Cyprus or something like that. So the fellas probably got a little relaxed...
This was their only show in Poland so far - I am lucky to have taken these pics anyway.
Thanks again, Damian and Sharon, for being so supportive! #16113
Carol Sherman September 29, 2002
Fabulous action capture! I'm still dumbstruck as to how you managed to get them all in the frame at that speed. #16114Robert Pranagal September 29, 2002
Hi Carol,Actually it was not that difficult. I used a 100-300 zoom and the planes were pretty far away. Besides, the movement of jets is smooth and predictable.
Also, movement in the axis of the lens is relatively small, so focusing is not that tricky either.
It's much harder to shoot kids... #16117
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