Off The Wall [Shape]

© Sherri Conley

Off The Wall

Uploaded: June 02, 2004 17:41:57


David Wilkinson June 09, 2004

I really like this, nicely done.

Dave Wilkinson #136383

Sherri Conley June 09, 2004

Thanks, Dave! I think I must have been feeling a little goofy that day! LOL! #585287

David Wilkinson June 09, 2004

Keep feeling goofy is all I can say! It's a great image and makes me laugh.

Warmest regards

Dave #585884

Sherri Conley June 10, 2004

We were laughing, too! Thanks for your encouragement, Dave! :) #585958

David Wilkinson June 10, 2004

Hey Ive just looked at your website...
I am sooo impressed. Great photos no wonder you have so many finalist 'thingies' on your photos. Good luck with this one too, I do hope that you do well with it, unless it's up against one of mine of course!
I have to ask, did it turn into your prince?

Greetings from Oxford UK.

Dave #587162

Sherri Conley June 10, 2004 prince. Just a huge case of warts. LOL! :) #587237

Sherri Conley June 10, 2004

Oh, and pardon me! Thank you so much for your very kind comments on my website!

Now, I would like to be able to see some of your photos as well...perhaps it is time for a gallery for you? :) #587249

David Wilkinson June 11, 2004

Photo's? Me? Oh no no nooooo. Far too English to show my photo's. Just isn't done I'm afraid ;)
Where do you live (changes subject)- the States I assume?
Do you sell your photographs? You should.

Warmest regards

Dave #587832

Sherri Conley June 11, 2004

Yes, I'm in the good old USA ~ in beautiful Richmond, Virginia to be precise. I do sell my photos and thank you for another nice compliment! You are too kind!

(If you wish, we can continue through email ~ just use the "contact" button on my website)

Take care,



Susie Marie Uston July 17, 2004

Yeah, Congrats Sherri!!!

Good Luck! #652589

Sherri Conley July 17, 2004

Hey, Susan! ~ Thanks so much! #652762

Kathleen Clemons July 17, 2004

Congratulations to you, Sherri! #653634

Ed Heaton July 17, 2004

Congrats Sherri... #653945

Leonard Pierce July 17, 2004

Congratulations Sherri!!! #654987

Janice Forrest July 20, 2004

Well done Sherri! #660418

Sherri Conley July 20, 2004

Thanks so much everyone! :) #660597

Andre Marhaug July 21, 2004

Congrats on this well composed and creative picture, Sherri :-) #662014

Sherri Conley July 21, 2004

Thank you so much, Andre! We had fun making it! :) #662873

David Wilkinson July 22, 2004

Hi Sherri,
What did I say?? ;) Trust your photographic eye! Well done.

Dave x #663499

Sherri Conley July 22, 2004

You so right, Mr. Miyagi. I now learn to trust vision through eyeholes. :)

G. Hopper #664141

RC Fritz July 08, 2006

Great image, Sherri!!! ยง:^D) #3000372

Sherri Conley July 08, 2006

Thanks so much, RC! :) #3000499

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