Moon Beam

Uploaded: August 21, 2002 14:05:29


Night in the mountians


Mary B. McGrath level-deluxe August 21, 2002

Very nice do you insert your caption and name onto your photos?
I'm worried about copyright infringement.

Mary McGrath #8001

Maxine Snyder August 21, 2002

Mary- Most any good graphics/photo program gives you this flexibility. Realize, however, that once the picture is copied, anyone with a photo program can crop out the writing. I've heard that putting a transparent .GIF over the image will slow them down, but based on the experiences I've heard about, the only way to be sure nobody uses your pic is to keep it off the web. That defeats the purpose, so I guess it's just something you have to live with. Where ever there's a way to keep thievery from happening, there's a thief out there who will figure out how to get around it. #12127

Carolyn M. Fletcher level-classic August 22, 2002

Beautiful shot. #12160

Mary B. McGrath level-deluxe August 22, 2002

Thanks for the advice. Oh well, thieves have to live with their own crimes, eh?
mary #12180

Dan Hutchinson August 23, 2002

Thank you all for your comments. It was a neat evening. Maxine is correct about the internet and people copying a picture but the size that is posted is not any good for print so I don't worry about it. I usually just "sign" it and put a name to it because I like to, not because it protects it.


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