running to the limit [Holland Pics]

© Wim Wilmers

running to the limit

Uploaded: April 23, 2004 13:24:04


eos 10d 100-400 is lens bemmel holland fhoto taken with telelens short before the sun is coming down


Cathy Barrows April 23, 2004

makes me want to get out and run and I don't run...beautiful sky #120623

Marie Fields April 23, 2004

Nice shot! #498979

Hugh Jervis April 23, 2004

Great composition & colour. Well done! #499074

Colette M. Metcalf April 23, 2004

Very nice image!!! #499123

Dale Ann Cubbage April 23, 2004

Beautiful shot, Wim. Just gorgeous colors and sun! #499296

Norman P. Banks April 24, 2004

Wonderful shot Wim!

Having run and raced bicycles for many years, I can relate to the early morning workout. (smile)

The comp is great, as I can imagine the runner approaching across my line of sight!

Norm :-) #499761

Norman P. Banks April 24, 2004

Wim, I should have given your caption more attention! I see that this pic was taken at Sundown, not Sunrise. (smile)

Still it could be either and a good pic like this allows the viewer leeway! (bigger smile)

Norm #499775

Debra Booth April 27, 2004

Wonderful image, Wim. #504828

Marie Fields May 14, 2004

Congratulations on this terrific finalist!!! #538048

Cathy Barrows May 15, 2004

Congrats! and Good Luck! #542354

Debra Booth May 15, 2004

Congratulations, Wim!! #542366

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