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Uploaded: April 14, 2004 03:31:41




Ronald Balthazor April 14, 2004

Excellent, Betsy. #117300

Paul Michko April 14, 2004

Terrific shot, Betsy. Was it windy up there? #482013

Carolyn M. Fletcher level-classic April 14, 2004

Another beauty!! I love these shots of yours!!! #482020

Elizabeth A. Zibas April 14, 2004

Thanks Ron, Paul and Carolyn.

Paul, it is windy up there. This image was taken from the John Hancock Building where they have an open window walkway and you can feel the air rushing through. It's an awesome feeling and one of my very favorite places in Chicago. #482028

Kasia Elser April 14, 2004

There is nothing more beautiful than Chicago at night! I live about 50 miles north but I just love coming downtown!
Great shot! #482209

Murry Grigsby April 14, 2004

Beautiful cityscape Betsy! For some reason I thought you had move to the west coast or was that just a visit. It's obvious that you love Chicago from your photographs!! #482435

Dale Ann Cubbage April 14, 2004

Fantastic night scene of a lovely city! #482469

Elizabeth A. Zibas April 14, 2004

Thanks everyone. Murry, I haven't lived out west (Vegas) for over 4 years. I recently visited California so those are probably the pictures you are talking about. I do love Chicago but I truly love California too-- especially San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, and the list goes on and on;o) #482611

Darren K. Fisher April 14, 2004

I LOVE IT!!!!!!! #483601

Colette M. Metcalf April 14, 2004

Beautiful, Betsy!! #483686

Colette M. Metcalf May 14, 2004

Congrats, Betsy!!! #537247

Kathleen Clemons May 14, 2004

Congrats on your finalists, Betsy! #537325

Paul Michko May 14, 2004

Congrats, Betsy. #538395

Luigi Di Serio level-classic June 23, 2005

Great picture... Chicago photos rock #1511116

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