Uploaded: April 09, 2004 13:51:51
Happy Easter!
Murry Grigsby April 09, 2004
Beautiful shot and thanks Susan :0) #115884
Carol Engstrom
April 09, 2004
Colleen Braun April 09, 2004
so pretty...Happy Easter... #471165Stephen Zacker April 09, 2004
Very Nice. Happy Easter Susie! #471175
William C. Raco
April 09, 2004
bill #471178
Terry R. Hatfield April 09, 2004
Hi Susie~ Happy Easter To You!! Super Image!! #471183Brenda Sellers April 09, 2004
Really lovely - and a very Happy Easter to you!! #471228
Michael Wehrman
April 09, 2004
Susan T. Parady April 09, 2004
This is very pretty, Susie! Gorgeous color, and I agree with Bill that the background is great.Happy Easter! #471360
Donna J. Taff April 09, 2004
Very beautiful!!!! #471431Darren K. Fisher April 09, 2004
And a Happy Easter to you. I love all of the colors here. Nicely done. #471481Carol Brill April 09, 2004
Such complementary colors and a nice variety of flowers, Susie, they would look great on an Easter bonnet! Have a wonderful Easter! #471503Kathleen R. Struckle April 09, 2004
Just beautiful Susan!! Happy Easter! #471506Shirley L. Carpenter April 09, 2004
Very pretty Susan.......Happy Easter!!! #471564Dale Ann Cubbage April 09, 2004
This is a lovely spring scene! Happy Easter to you as well! #471566Susie Peek-Swint April 10, 2004
Thank you Murry, Carol, Colleen, Stephen, Bill, Terry, Sharon, Brenda, Mike, Sue, Donna, Darren, Carol, Kathy, Shirley, Dale, and Diane (from email)! Your comments, support, and Easter wishes were lovely to wake-up to this morning.. may the sun shine on all your Easter bonnets... and I hope you get your flowers soon Bill!
Carolyn M. Fletcher
April 10, 2004
Colette M. Metcalf April 10, 2004
Beautiful!!!! #471743Susie Peek-Swint April 10, 2004
Thanks a lot Carolyn and Colette! #472264Karen Engelbreth April 10, 2004
Beautiful image, Susan! #472651Susie Peek-Swint April 10, 2004
Thanks a lot Karen! #472742Karen R. Rubeiz April 13, 2004
The colours are fantastic, love this one also. #481019Susie Peek-Swint April 13, 2004
Cheers Karen! #481220Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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