Spring Point Lighthouse in Fog [Maine Pictures]
Uploaded: March 05, 2007 02:17:27
Taken with a 10-22mm lens at 16mm-f 16. Spring Point Lighthouse is in South Portland, Maine. Fill flash was used to illuminate the iron portal of the fortification.
Bonnie C. Lackey
March 05, 2007
Jenny Bosmans March 05, 2007
Fantastic framing and beautiful view and capture, Alan! :) #4022379Donald K. Cherry March 05, 2007
Beautiful image Alan! Excellent texture, color and framing. #4022381Colleen Braun March 05, 2007
great framing... #4022398Jim Huffield March 05, 2007
Superb image, Alan. Jim #4022422
Dominick M. Dimacale
March 05, 2007
Glenn E. Urquhart March 05, 2007
Well Seen, Really like the texture and contrast of foreground against bacground... Beautiful composition, Alan!!! Well Done! Cheers, Glenn. #4022462Marcie A. Fowler March 05, 2007
Absolutely love this P0V Alan. Looks kind of cold. #4022603Aimee S. McMaster March 05, 2007
....this is awesome Alan...wonderful POV...excellent image..Aimee #4022655
William C. Raco
March 05, 2007
Bill #4022658
Carolyn M. Fletcher
March 05, 2007
Ron Roberts March 05, 2007
GREAT SHOT ALAN I USE TO LIVE AROUND THE CORNER FROM THERE...RON... #4022696Colette M. Metcalf March 05, 2007
Wonderful image and framing here, Alan!!! #4022803
Jeff Robinson
March 05, 2007
Rakesh Syal
March 05, 2007
Claudia Kuhn
March 05, 2007
Carla Metzler March 06, 2007
Great framing and textures, Alan!! #4027627Nadya Johnson March 10, 2007
Wow! Unique - creative - stunning - one of a kind! I think you have a winner here! This is awesome, Alan! #4040205Marsha S. Smith March 15, 2007
Spectacular! A real 'frame job'! #4058867
Terry L. Ellis
March 16, 2007
Linda D. Lester
April 24, 2007
Su Sana E. P
April 24, 2007
Kay E. Mahoney
April 25, 2007
Glenn E. Urquhart April 25, 2007
A Big Congratulations on your Finalist Award!!! Well Deserved, Cheers, Glenn. #4213494Peter W. Marks April 28, 2007
I love the ocean, I love rust and decay so your image has it all for me Alan! Great stuff, wish I was there!
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