Colorful Cutouts [Fine Art & Jewelry Close Up Photography]
Uploaded: July 21, 2002 14:25:15
In a gift shop in Old Town, San Diego, California, these were on display. Not sure if they are placemats or doilies or ??
Piper Lehman July 21, 2002
really nice, Patricia. Is this through glass or from inside the store? Nice patterns.I'm writing this from the Admirals Club in the San Francisco airport. Cool. #6732
Patricia Marroquin July 21, 2002
Piper, what an unexpected surprise! Hope you have had a fantastic time out there! This shop was an indoor/outdoor type of store. I was standing at the entrance to the shop, shooting inside of it. Part of the shop was covered and part was outdoors, but these items were hanging from the wood rafters. #9875Damian P. Gadal May 26, 2019
Nice colourful shot Patricia! #35915Patricia Marroquin May 26, 2019
Thanks for your compliment on this New Year's Eve, Damian. Never could figure out exactly what these were. :-) #35965Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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