Okay, who brought the boom box?

Uploaded: March 31, 2004 05:20:54


F/5.6, 1/350, EF 100-400IS, Sea Otter, British Columbia


Joy Brown March 31, 2004

Great capture, Randy! #112758

Lori Ditlefsen March 31, 2004

Very very cute and fuzzy! Nice shot Randy! #456095

Viveca Venegas level-classic March 31, 2004

Super great photo, Bravo Randy!! Viveca. #456140

Bonnie C. Lackey level-classic March 31, 2004

Like the title for this wonderful catch! That expression is priceless! #456149

Kelly Abernathy level-classic March 31, 2004

Another hilarious catch and title! I can tell you had a blast shooting these guys - your shots are beautifully framed and shot. So, so funny - I'm not sure I can pick a favorite -K

Susan T. Parady March 31, 2004

Great composition and detail, and it sure is cute! Great shot and title! #456350

Colette M. Metcalf March 31, 2004

Cute capture, Randy!!! #456480

March 31, 2004

Great photo, Randy! #456498

Nancy Grace Chen April 12, 2004

Haha! Adorable expression! And the focus and framing are right on. Congratulations on your finalist!!


nacespace.com/photos #474477

Kelly Abernathy level-classic April 12, 2004

Woo Hoo!! Congrats and good luck! I'm happy for you!! -K #475554

Susan T. Parady April 12, 2004

Congratulations, Randy! #475859

Lori Ditlefsen April 12, 2004

Congrats Randy! #476408

Joyce Baldassarre April 12, 2004


Cathy Barrows April 12, 2004

Congrats!...too cute #477508

Eric Highfield level-classic April 12, 2004

Fabulous, Randy! Congratulations! #479602

Eric Highfield level-classic April 12, 2004

Fabulous, Randy! Congratulations! #479603

Douglas Gould April 13, 2004

How cute is that one?!?! Great photo, Randy and congrats! #480246

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BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest Finalist

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