Bringing In The New Year [Fireworks Photography]
Uploaded: January 04, 2007 01:44:56
Taken in Las Vegas at midnight on New Year's eve - ISO 200 - f20 - SS 2.5 seconds on manual, mounted on a tripod - focal length 70mm - The wind was blowing, giving it the feathery look.
Eva Blixman January 04, 2007
Wonderful photo!! Good composition. :o) #582265Colette M. Metcalf January 04, 2007
Beautiful capture, Marilyn!!! #3779029
Su Sana E. P
January 04, 2007
Deb Holmes-Hatfield January 04, 2007
Wonderful capture, Marilyn, nice work! #3780360Karen Engelbreth January 04, 2007
Wonderful fireworks image, Marilyn!!
Dominick M. Dimacale
January 04, 2007
Linda L. Ruiz January 05, 2007
You were right, these are really cool. I love the feather looking lights. A +++ #3784143Amy JACKSON January 05, 2007
Wonderful image, Marilyn!!! Awesome capture! #3784154Nadine A. Lewis January 05, 2007
WOW!!! What an AWESOME capture, Marilyn!!! LOVE the in-camera technique!!! <>< #3784295Melissa G. Meiselman January 05, 2007
Brilliant shot of these colorful fireworks, Marilyn!! #3784441Mary Timman January 19, 2007
Wow...awesome shot! Mine never look that good. #3839686
Marilyn K. Lincecum
January 23, 2007
John V. Roscich
February 24, 2007
Melissa G. Meiselman February 24, 2007
Congratulations, Marilyn on this terrific finalist!! #3988238
Terry L. Ellis
February 25, 2007
Colette M. Metcalf February 25, 2007
Congratulations!! #3992815Cyn Valentine February 25, 2007
Beautiful..congratulations Marilyn! #3992855Karen Slagle February 25, 2007
And another congratulations, Marilyn. This is a gorgeous finalist. Best of luck next round. #3993353
Evy Johansen
February 25, 2007
Darryl Wilkinson February 26, 2007
Love the exposure on this, Marilyn. Congratulations on your awards this month! #3995179
Marilyn K. Lincecum
February 26, 2007
Jim Britt December 26, 2007
This got displayed in BetterPhoto SnapShot #348 (email newsletter). Nice job. Great fireworks shot and huge compliment showing this again nearly one year later for everyone to see. Nice shot. Happy New Year! :) #5254029
Evy Johansen
December 26, 2007
Mitch Spence
December 26, 2007
Terry L. Ellis
December 26, 2007
Donna La Mattino Pagakis December 26, 2007
Congratulations on your SnapShot feature. This is an amazing fireworks image Mariyln!!! #5255315Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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