Hope & Prayer [Striving]
Uploaded: December 11, 2006 01:55:29
The Theme is Hope, the Prayer is that you will read below about a special lil one name Memphis and maybe even reach deep into your hearts and help a little...or alot. My dear friend Nina met this little Angel simply shooting at her job one day and as she loves and cares about strangers in need as friends she could not just stand by and watch. She went into action and you can take part in that action. In this season of Hope...would you give Hope to a family that is struggling as their baby has undergone some harsh realities in his most recent task to fight for his life. Click on the link below and you can read his story and see the pictures of Memphis. As a mother of three children I am moved deeply by the trials and tribulations of this young family. My friend Nina you may not see so much on BP lately but that is because she is busy giving of her time with no recognition needed, giving the recognition and praise to others while she serves everyone amidst great health issues that would
She-She Killough December 11, 2006
cause most of us to fold. Help Nina, Help Memphis...would you? Thank You :)
Here is the link to find out about Memphis and how to help him. Just seeing his little faces just warms my heart. You will love him quickly.
Gail Vitikacs
December 11, 2006
Nina Shields December 11, 2006
Sheesh, thank you so much for your role in helping me to help this family in need. I hope all who have been blessed with healthy children and grandchildren will respond to this family's situation as their needs are great. I covet prayers for guidance and strength as I work to help this family.Marcie A. Fowler December 11, 2006
Wow Sheesh what an inspiring image to go with this touching story. I've added the site to my favorites!! Thanks for sharing with us.You and Nina are both true inspirations. #3689865
Candice C. Calhoun
December 11, 2006
ccc #3690138
Ken Smith
December 11, 2006
Bobbie Davis December 11, 2006
What a wonderful image for this theme and such a touching story....I will look at the link right now! #3690328
Linda D. Lester
December 11, 2006
Carla Metzler December 11, 2006
Unless we have been there we can never know the pain, worry, and the feeling of helplessness when our child or grandchild is suffering a serious illness. We can only imagine. I think it is wonderful that you and Nina have reached out to help this family. They need all the hope we can offer, be it money, prayers, or both.Cathy Barrows December 11, 2006
wow...this is very touching and you nailed the meaning of hope #3690630Crossroad Photography December 11, 2006
Very moving, Sheesh. I agree with what everyone else said. Wonderful message and image. #3690994Roger Bernabo December 11, 2006
the strength and emotions your words evoke are equal to your reverence and strength of your image.Melissa G. Meiselman December 11, 2006
Very emotive portrait well presented in black and white, Sheesh!!! #3691155Tammy Scott December 11, 2006
What a wonderful image and great for the theme. Nice in B&W #3691292
Kathleen K. Parker
December 11, 2006
Dennis Flanagan
December 11, 2006
Darryl Wilkinson December 11, 2006
Sheesh, You've gone the extra mile with this theme and have sparked a sense of hope amongst many individuals today, and, for many days to come. Wonderful presentation!! #3692948Chastity Abbott December 13, 2006
Beautiful light on this amazing black and white! AWESOME tones and emotion captured!!!!!!!!!!!! #3697848Darren K. Fisher December 15, 2006
WOW you done a wonderful job with this Sheesh. Awesome!!!!! #3705391Donna La Mattino Pagakis December 18, 2006
Super image, great pose and tones! #3715284Tammy Scott December 19, 2006
This is a wonderful image - what a great feeling of hope you have given us. #3717039
Shelly A. Van Camp
December 28, 2006
Shawn Jennings January 11, 2007
Wonderful portrait Sheesh! #3808263She-She Killough January 11, 2007
Thank you all!! This is my sweet hubby. :) #3809079Roger Fry January 15, 2007
Tremendous photo with so much impact.Roger #3823130
Megan p January 15, 2007
very moving image She-She!! Your lighting, comp and tones really convey your meaning. I pray for that sweet little one and the family, what a struggle!! #3823974She-She Killough January 15, 2007
THANKS MEGAN!! You have NO idea how sweet that is to my heart and moving Your words are to me! Your actions speak volumes! Big HUG Sheesh :) #3824174She-She Killough January 15, 2007
Thank you Roger! You are too kind. :) #3824195Melissa G. Meiselman January 24, 2007
Sheesh, this is a most deserving and beautiful finalist. Congratualtions!!! #3860602Roger Bernabo January 24, 2007
A GREAT image and Finalist Sheesh! #3860618Bill Wyatt January 24, 2007
Super capture I am so glad to see this here Sheesh! Congratulations! #3861091
Linda D. Lester
January 24, 2007
Bobbie Davis January 24, 2007
AWESOME!!!!! #3861680Datha Y. Thompson January 24, 2007
BIG CONGRATULATIONS She-She!!! Powerful Image/message!!! Well deserved #3861989Shawn Jennings January 24, 2007
Congratulations on this wonderful finalist, Sheesh! #3862104Carla Metzler January 24, 2007
Congratulations on this great finalist, Sheesh! #3862301She-She Killough January 24, 2007
Well what a pleasent surprise!! Thanks so much you guys!!! :) #3862597Crossroad Photography January 24, 2007
Congratulations on this excellent finalist, Sheesh! #3863116Kenneth Mucke January 24, 2007
This was and is such a moving image..I just knew it would be here as a finalist She-She....WTG #3864500She-She Killough January 24, 2007
Thank you all so much for all the Congratulations! You all are too sweet!Cesar J. La Rosa January 24, 2007
Congratulations on this WONDERFUL and very well-deserved Finalist, Sheesh!!! #3864764JO ANN CLEVELAND January 24, 2007
Congratulations! Wonderful tribute and wonderful image Sheesh!jo ann c. #3864775
Dennis Flanagan
January 24, 2007
Pat Gamwell January 25, 2007
Heartwarming shot, Sheesh! CONGRATS! #3865437Darryl Wilkinson January 25, 2007
Bravo, Sheesh! I am so happy to see this make finalist. Very worthy of more. #3865522
Candice C. Calhoun
January 25, 2007
ccc #3866508
Ken Smith
January 25, 2007
Kay E. Mahoney
January 25, 2007
Vladan D. Djordjevic January 25, 2007
Congratulations!! Great portrait! #3867956
Jeff Robinson
January 25, 2007
Tammy Scott January 25, 2007
Congratulations on this wonderful finalist! #3869249
Judy V. Kennamer
January 25, 2007
Bill Wyatt January 25, 2007
Excellent work!! Congratulations! #3871618Megan p January 25, 2007
Hurray, a very derserving winner!! Congratulations!!!! #3871619Lavone Vannoy January 25, 2007
Linda D. Lester
January 25, 2007
S P Mukherji January 25, 2007
Ditto Sheesh! I love your pictures!! Congratulations!! #3872045
John V. Roscich
January 25, 2007
Vladan D. Djordjevic January 25, 2007
Congratulations on your Winner!!! Love the lighting, pose, composition, tones! #3872231JO ANN CLEVELAND January 25, 2007
Congratulations Sheesh! Very well deserved!jo ann c #3872243
She-She Killough January 25, 2007
You guys are too sweet!!! Thank you so much for all your kind words!! sheesh #3872396Jill Flynn January 25, 2007
Very moving and powerful! Congratulations on your WIN! #3872561
Ken Smith
January 25, 2007
Datha Y. Thompson January 25, 2007
CONGRATULATIONS on this WINNER She-She :0) #3872684
Kay E. Mahoney
January 25, 2007
Sheryl A. Hudson
January 25, 2007
Nadya Johnson January 25, 2007
Congratulations She-She on your exceptional, superbly crafted winner! #3873013
Dennis Flanagan
January 25, 2007
Pat Gamwell January 25, 2007
Well deserved, my friend! HUGE CONGRATS! #3873168Darryl Wilkinson January 25, 2007
YEEEEAAA, Sheesh! You done good :) #3873227
Cora Miller
January 26, 2007
Tammy Scott January 26, 2007
Very well deserved win! WTG! #3873829Nina Shields January 26, 2007
Sheesh, so thrilled that you received this much deserved honor; you know how much this photo means to me personally as we continue to reap the benefits of the many who are praying for Memphis and his family; we are just a few days away from launching his website so I'll let you know when that occurs. #3873882Colette M. Metcalf January 26, 2007
Congratulations!! #3873979Carla Metzler January 26, 2007
I am so happy to see this win, girfriend. Congratulations, Sheesh!! :) #3874579She-She Killough January 26, 2007
Thank you all very much! I am grateful for all who may see this and read about Memphis. My only regret is that many may see this and I don't have the updated website on here. Nina is working on all of this and more for Memphis and his family. As soon as I get it I will post the updated link with the new website, so everyone who would like to see how Memphis is doing can know and help where they can. Thanks again! You all are truly wonderful!! Sheesh #3874662Cyn Valentine January 26, 2007
Wonderful image SHeesh..big congratulations!! #3874668Crossroad Photography January 26, 2007
Congrats on your win, Sheesh! #3875229
Janine Russell
January 26, 2007
Sherry Stricklin Boles
January 27, 2007
Sharon Day January 27, 2007
Big congratulations, She-She! #3878659Bobbie Davis January 27, 2007
Congrats She She! #3880941
Rakesh Syal
January 27, 2007
Donna W. Neal January 28, 2007
Wonderful story and image She-She.Roger Fry January 28, 2007
A really moving image Sheesh. CONGRATULATIONS!Roger #3883715
Graeme yew Chow January 28, 2007
Congratulations Sheesh. #3884568AMALIA Veralli January 31, 2007
Beautiful image! Congrats on your win!!! #3897218
Terry L. Ellis
February 01, 2007
She-She Killough February 01, 2007
IF ANYONE knows HOW to help me get the link for Memphis to the top of the page where the old link is I would appreciate help getting it there!!! :)In the meantime I hope I am doing this link well? (hoping it comes out live!)
Sheryl A. Hudson
February 26, 2007
Kathleen K. Parker
February 27, 2007
Laura E. Swan
February 11, 2010
-Laura Swan :)
P.S. My entry tonight is actually dedicated to someone that really needs our prayers right now! How perfect that I came upon this image from you!
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