How Would You Feel? [Hands Pictures Close Ups]
Uploaded: October 29, 2006 20:35:38
Mata Patan October 29, 2006
This really give you the sense of entrappment.Karen Slagle October 30, 2006
Oh my gosh, Jill. The details in this are great and what an imagination. #3522562
Janine Russell
October 30, 2006
Milan Banik October 31, 2006
AWESOME CREATION.CONGRATES FOR 2 GREAT WINNING WORK. #3526884Graham Robards November 01, 2006
Excellent POV. I often wonder how dogs feel entrapped like this, terrible I would imagine. fantastic detail! ~Pat #3533184Pat and Graham . Robards November 01, 2006
Sorry Jill, I used my husbands gallery to post from. Congratulations for your winning work. ~Pat #3533198Bridgette B November 01, 2006
Great perspective!! I'm wouldn't want to be trapped like that!! :-) #3533229Donna La Mattino Pagakis November 06, 2006
Great impact Jill!! Creative too!! #3554858Karen Bacon November 08, 2006
I think you certainly got your point across!!Excellent image Jill!! #3562188Noel Baebler November 11, 2006
Effective image, Jill! #3573322TS November 11, 2006
Jill this image is stunning, it has such emotion, I think you have a winner for sure, congrats on a great story photograph. #3573462
Jim Kinnunen
November 11, 2006
David Whitcher November 14, 2006
I don't think I will ever forget this hand, Jill. You have a winner. #3587850Kara L. Hendricks November 16, 2006
A really cool shot Jill... Wonderful details and tones...Lori Carlson November 18, 2006
Superb work & message, Jill!! Right on girl! :0) #3601131
Laurence Saliba
November 23, 2006
Cathy Stancil December 09, 2006
Superb image, very compelling Jill ! #3685619
Su Sana E. P
April 24, 2007
Graeme yew Chow April 24, 2007
Congratulations on this wonderful finalist, Jill. So special this one. #4207423
Terry L. Ellis
April 24, 2007
Lorraine A. Cook April 24, 2007
Congratulations on this awesome finalist, Jill!<:)) #4208310
Laurence Saliba
April 24, 2007
Deborah Lewinson
April 25, 2007
Kenneth Mucke April 25, 2007
Congrats on the very powerful finalist #4209179Andre Larose September 25, 2011
Hi Jill,Greatness in your work Jill your message is lood and clear.Very well done. Nice to see you in BP
Andre #9693091
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