Colors of Warriors [Fashion Photography & Beauty Photos]
Uploaded: January 23, 2006 07:25:18
Portrait of my little brother. Used smudge tool on the scarf to get that effect and slightly desaturated his skin.
Souha Dooly January 23, 2006
Wonderful,love all about it,welldone Maria!!! #379252Jessica Hughes January 23, 2006
I absolutely love this, Maria. :) #2325990Marie Fields January 23, 2006
Fantastic image, Maria!! #2326138Sinziana I. Ene January 23, 2006
i love the expression and eye color #2326164Lisa Clark January 23, 2006
Creative image. Beautifully done. #2326326Brinn MacDougall January 23, 2006
Well done, Maria..what beautiful eyes he has! #2326374
Dr Silly
January 23, 2006
Karen E. Michaels
January 23, 2006
Terrill Province January 24, 2006
This is so cool ~ love your style! #2331815Susana Ms Heide January 29, 2006
Maria your work is very, very good!!! And you are only 15!! You have a bright future ahead of you! All the best! Keep clicking!#2352852
Tracy Reehal February 03, 2006
Very impressive. Your work is amazing. You're headed in the right doubt. #2373434Wende Trew February 11, 2006
Fantastic image Maria!! I love the intensity in the eyes!! How do you get your eyes to look like that? Very dramatic!!! #2408437
Dr Silly
February 21, 2006
Megan p February 21, 2006
Maria, this is so stunning!!!! Congrats!! #2444632Jessica Hughes February 21, 2006
Yay!! Congratulations, Maria! :) #2445377Alana Ibe February 21, 2006
You are SOOOOO talented!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS! #2446083Wende Trew February 21, 2006
Congrats!!! I agree to be sooo young you are well on your way to be a fantastic photographer!!! Your work is excellent!!! #2449921Mick Burkey February 22, 2006
Another beautiful portrait, Maria. You have a great feel for these intimate shots. Congrats again and keep up the good work! #2453423
Guy D. Biechele
February 22, 2006
Ronald F. Fischer February 23, 2006
This is an awesome image! Congratulations!! #2457490Mick Burkey February 25, 2006
YES!! Way to go Maria. Congratulations on the 2nd place win! #2467071Alana Ibe February 25, 2006
Congratulations on this GORGEOUS winner! #2467247Maria M February 25, 2006
Wow, thank you everyone! #2467575Donna W. Neal February 26, 2006
Congratulations on this outstanding winner Maria #2470015Leanne M.E. Boyd February 26, 2006
Congratulations Maria! #2470735Donamari T. DAndrea February 27, 2006
Maria, YOU GO GIRL!! Geeezzz I can't image what your work is going to look like as you mature since it's so outstanding now! You have a wonderful look about your work and it's always perfection. I'm in awe. Keep it up!! Looking forward to more amazing things to come from you! #2474077David G. Ziegert March 14, 2006
The first thing that I thought when I saw this picture was "National Geographic." Unbelievable!! #2532120Cathy M. Gromball March 24, 2006
Congratulations on your Second Place win, Maria!Cathy :) #2571897
Carlo Cascone May 20, 2006
Nothing less than perfect!Fawn M. Schutt October 24, 2006
This is down right narly. I love it. The eye is amazing! Great job and well deserved win. Nice work!-Fawn #3495069
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