Deep Into The Forest
Uploaded: April 19, 2016 00:58:07 | Entered: April 19, 2016 01:03:43
In A Land Far Away...
And Always In My Dreams...
There's a Place Where True Stories Live
And Fairy Tales Are Made.
Mary K. Robison April 19, 2016 1
I get to be the first to tell you how beautiful this scene is, Pom! What a perfect MT entry! Love the colors, the natural framing, and the road leading to...some place marvelous, I'm sure.Gord MacEachern April 19, 2016
Hi Laura, I have to agree 101% with Mary!! #11463382
Jeff Robinson
April 19, 2016
Laura E. Swan
April 19, 2016
Laura E. Swan
April 19, 2016
Susan M. Campbell April 19, 2016 1
Wow. This is an amazing shot. Well done. #11463532John Connolly April 19, 2016 1
I love your DD work here Sister Swanee! A wonderful scene, and I hope you entered it in our MT this month! #11463626Carrie M. Groseclose April 19, 2016 1
Absolutely gorgeous!! #11463651
Reynaldo D. Reyes
April 20, 2016
Laura L. Gonzales
April 20, 2016
Kirsten Kiki Kjaer April 21, 2016 1
I'm breathless and speechless, SSSL.
Jill Odice
April 27, 2016
Laura E. Swan
April 27, 2016
Laura L. Gonzales
May 28, 2016
Laura E. Swan
May 29, 2016
Annette Carr May 29, 2016
WINNER! This is fantastic. I bet it goes gold :))))) #11479295
Laura E. Swan
May 29, 2016
Joannie Bertucci
May 30, 2016
Laura E. Swan
May 30, 2016
Annette Carr May 30, 2016 1
See! I told you this is a 🏆 winner!!! Still waiting for gold <3. Such a beautiful photo. Congratulations on your finalist!!! #11479822
Emile Abbott
May 30, 2016
Teresa L. Brooks May 30, 2016 1
Congrats on this gorgeous finalist. Good luck in the next round #11480175
Terry Cervi
May 30, 2016
Kathy Salerni
May 30, 2016
Laura E. Swan
May 30, 2016
Reynaldo D. Reyes
May 30, 2016
Laura E. Swan
May 30, 2016
Val Feldman
May 30, 2016
Nadia Paul May 30, 2016
So beautifully done Laura - congrats! #11480383Kirsten Kiki Kjaer May 31, 2016
It takes you to make my country look this charming and magical. Thank you for making this amazing image, SSSLala. I love it. And congratulations on the silver. Now to the gold... #11480444
Laura E. Swan
May 31, 2016
Daniella Puente May 31, 2016
Dreamy scene Laura, congrats! #11480528
Laura E. Swan
May 31, 2016
Emile Abbott
May 31, 2016
Bojan Bencic
May 31, 2016
Laura L. Gonzales
May 31, 2016
Kathy Salerni
May 31, 2016
Reynaldo D. Reyes
May 31, 2016
Tammy M. Anderson
May 31, 2016
Annette Carr June 01, 2016
CONGRATULATIONS! Yippeeee! You deserved gold for this beauty <3 :)))))))))))) #11481229
Val Feldman
June 01, 2016
Usman M. Bajwa
June 02, 2016
UB. #11481346
Nadia Paul June 03, 2016
Congrats on this wonderful winner Laura - so well deserved! #11481703Mary K. Robison June 03, 2016
Tee-Hee. Read the first comment in the thread, Pom...I'll repeat my Congratulations now, and tell you how very happy I am to finally see you among the Gold Winners. YAAAAAY! #11481715frank w. degenhardt June 03, 2016
Breath taking and magical. What a gorgeous work this is. Congratulations on the Second Place Win Laura. #11481875Anita Bower June 04, 2016
Looks like a fairy tale illustration. #11482090Stan Kwasniowski June 05, 2016
Laura, goreous, congratulations #11482532
Amanda D. Austwick
June 07, 2016
Laura E. Swan
June 07, 2016
June 12, 2016
Kirsten Kiki Kjaer June 28, 2016
As I was saying.... HEHHH! Congratulations on the gold win, SSSL. I am so very thrilled to see this beauty get gold (as deserved)! #11489239Gina M. Savage July 01, 2016
Simply gorgeous! #11490898Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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