Reflections [Reflections]
Uploaded: November 21, 2013 06:34:56
The angled wall of a downtown building creates many reflections.
Exif: F Number: 8, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/1600 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 500, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 47.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 7D
Tammy M. Anderson
November 21, 2013
Tiia Vissak November 21, 2013
a cool find! #10904048Joy Rector November 21, 2013
beautiful shot #10904058JO ANN CLEVELAND November 21, 2013
Looks like a winner to me friend!jo ann c. #10904089
John Connolly November 21, 2013
Fantastic reflections and wonderful EOD, David! What an impressive image! #10904171Robin R. November 21, 2013
Nice capture. #10904212Michelle Alton November 21, 2013
Fascinating. #10904246
Gail Sullivan
November 21, 2013
Monnie Ryan November 21, 2013
Oh my - fabulous! #10904258
William C. Raco
November 21, 2013
Claudia Kuhn
November 21, 2013
David Phalen November 21, 2013
Thank you Tammy, Tiia, Joy, Jo Ann, John, Robin, Michelle, Gail, Monnie, Bill and Claudia!! #10904398Carol L. Fowler November 21, 2013
Fantastic! A Winner to me! #10904413Katherine Kuhn November 21, 2013
Great EOD, David! Love all the geometrics created by those lines & reflections. Great in b&W! #10904451
Mitch Spence
November 21, 2013
David Phalen November 21, 2013
Thanks Carol, Katherine and Mitch!! #10904472Renata Gusciora November 21, 2013
Remarkable EOD, David! Super in b&w!Fabulous clarity too! #10904500Douglas Pignet November 22, 2013
very nice comp & pov for this EOD capture...well done #10904621MELODIE C. ROBERTS November 22, 2013
WoWzA!!!Reminds me of the jungle gym from elementary school!
Are those still around??
Excellent EoD King Dave
Looks like a winner to me!! #10904641
David Phalen November 22, 2013
Thanks Renata, Doug and Mel!! #10904694David Phalen November 22, 2013
Thanks Renata, Doug and Mel!! #10904696
Martha R. Mazon
November 22, 2013
David Phalen November 22, 2013
Thanks Martha!! #10904833Ermanno Radice November 22, 2013
Wonderful POV, gorgeous framing, excellent composition, winner in my book!! A fav. #10904941
Emile Abbott
November 24, 2013
David Phalen November 27, 2013
Thanks Ermanno and Emile!! #10908246
Amanda D. Austwick
December 29, 2013
Katherine Kuhn January 02, 2014
Congratulations on your great EOD, David! Glad to see this one again! #10935649Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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