Morning's Glory [02 Sunrise Sunset Pictures during the Golden Hours]
Uploaded: December 09, 2012 03:18:46 | Entered: August 11, 2015 05:21:46
A Grande - Light Blonde Coffee with 2 raw sugars and steamed breve paired perfectly with this sunrise Friday morning!
Canon 100-400L IS at 400mm. ISO 200, 1/640 @ f5.6, EC +1/3 (N&L)
Exif: F Number: 5.6, Exposure Bias Value: 0.33, ExposureTime: 1/640 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 200, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 400.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Colette M. Metcalf December 09, 2012
What a beauty!!! #1502593
Bojan Bencic
December 09, 2012
Tammy M. Anderson
December 09, 2012
Antonio Amen December 09, 2012
Nice sunset Jeff, well done. #10456915
Mary L. Olson
December 09, 2012
R. J. Laudenbacher
December 09, 2012
Mary Dimitriw
December 09, 2012
Tiia Vissak December 09, 2012
a wonderful view! #10457020Nadine A. Lewis December 09, 2012
GORGEOUS!!!! <>< #10457028Connie J. Bagot December 09, 2012
So beautiful! Perfect exposure and glorious color! #10457046Lynn M. Whitt December 09, 2012
Beautiful sunrise capture. #10457115
Carolyn M. Fletcher
December 09, 2012
Monnie Ryan December 09, 2012
That early in the morning I need my coffee strong enough to walk, but this sure is gorgeous, Jeff! #10457200Anita Hogue December 09, 2012
Now that some gorgeous colors! #10457234Jack Gaskin December 09, 2012
AWESOME SUN RISE well worth getting UP & OUT in time to catch it.DD Decaf w Vanilla Creamer REALLY HOT
toss in a couple BB Cake Donuts and I'm good for HOURS of SHOOTING
Jack #10457237
JO ANN CLEVELAND December 09, 2012
Ohhh Jeff, this is totally gorgeous, a favorite for me for sure!jo ann c. #10457363
frank w. degenhardt December 09, 2012
I love how you get your morning fix and then enjoy it as you look at the show nature is giving you. And what a beautiful and spectacular show it is. That sun, the golden glow of different stages of color, the silhouetting of the landscape, can a morning get started any better than this? Don't think so my friend. Stunning. #10457615Jyri Vissak December 09, 2012
I agree with my daughter. Simple is beautiful! #10457694
Nancy L. Green
December 09, 2012
Emile Abbott
December 09, 2012
Claudia Kuhn
December 09, 2012
Katherine Kuhn December 09, 2012
Spectacular sunrise, Jeff -- love that sky!Stephen Zacker December 09, 2012
Wow.. what a sunrise #10457800
Carol Flisak
December 09, 2012
Carol L. Fowler December 09, 2012
Beautiful sunrise! As for me, I only drink New Orleans style- strong French Roast coffee and chicory with 1/2 milk. #10457868Thomas E. Hinds December 09, 2012
Beautiful work, Jeff! Great color! Wow! #10457906
Gail Vitikacs
December 09, 2012
Ellen Hodges December 09, 2012
Wildly beautiful, Jeff!!! #10457994Robert R. Goodman December 09, 2012
Absolutely beautiful Jeff. #10458051Barbara Mason December 09, 2012
Coffee for me and this view any morning Jeff - stunning !! Black no sugar please. #10458135Barbara Waldoch December 09, 2012
Beautiful, Jeff! #10458168
Terry Cervi
December 09, 2012
Kirsten Kiki Kjaer December 10, 2012
Morning's Glory indeed, Jeff. Looks like a sure winner to me.#10458369
Jeff Robinson
December 10, 2012
Ujjwal Mukherjee December 10, 2012
Excellent composition and capture,Jeff!! #10458787Phillip R. Connolly December 10, 2012
What a great way to welcome such a beautiful sunrise, Jeff!!! Excellent capture!Phil #10459280
Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna December 10, 2012
Such breathtaking beauty, Jeff! WOW! :-) k #10459473
Randy D. Dinkins
December 10, 2012
Jeff Robinson
December 11, 2012
isabel C. Zepeda
December 11, 2012
What a beautiful sunrise,the colors are amazing.
Great capture and picture
YSA... #10460259
David Phalen December 11, 2012
Stunning light, tones, comp and silhouettes!! Beautiful in every way!! #10461012
Jeff Robinson
December 12, 2012
Nancy (Peaches) Harker December 12, 2012
AWESOME!!! #10461747Kim Andelkovic December 12, 2012
Gorgeous sunset Jeff :-) #10461985
Leslie McLain
December 12, 2012
Sharon Sawyer December 12, 2012
Looks and sounds like a perfect morning to me. When I see images like this I really wish I was a morning person. :) I'm not so I'll enjoy your wonderful sunrise images. #10462466Rona L. Schwarz December 12, 2012
Maybe I would be more of a morning person if I had this to wake up to, Jeff! Another stunning sunrise capture as only you can do them! #10462497
Jeff Robinson
December 13, 2012
Jodi Zimmer December 13, 2012
WOW!! awesome shot Jeff! #10462962Eivor Kuchta December 13, 2012
You find the most stunning sunrises, Jeff! This is no exception. No wonder that you like to get up early. Wonderful!! #10463267
Jeff Robinson
December 14, 2012
Rudi Reiner
December 14, 2012
Jeff Robinson
December 15, 2012
ALLEN O. HOWARD December 18, 2012
An absolute beauty of a sunset! What a great shot! #10469773
Jeff Robinson
December 19, 2012
Luigi Di Serio
December 19, 2012
Jeff Robinson
December 19, 2012
Inge S. Lasmana December 23, 2012
Very beautiful sunrise Jeff #10476016
Jeff Robinson
December 24, 2012
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