Lining Up for Launch

Uploaded: November 09, 2012 07:40:41


Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta 2012....The Little Fireman Balloon Owner: Todd Monahan
Address: Glens Falls, New York was the Flag Bearer for the morning's salute . Aaron (later to become officially Elvis) and Spider Pig are still face down waiting for their inflation.

Exif: F Number: 11, Exposure Bias Value: -0.67, ExposureTime: 1/500 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 200, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 58.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II


Tammy Espino November 09, 2012

What a great fun shot! :) #1497491

Jill Odice level-classic November 10, 2012

What fun! Not what we are used to seeing as far as the balloon s go. It's interesting to get to see the preparation before they are launched! #10412764

Patricia A. Casey level-classic November 10, 2012

Thank you so much Tammy & Jill....yes it was a cute balloon...I'm going to try to insert the frontal view from the website listing all the balloons at the event.....I'd never been to a balloon launching before so this was really exciting to see and enjoy.... #10413359

Nadia Paul November 12, 2012

Looks like a lot of fun Patricia - great capture! #10415137

Patricia A. Casey level-classic November 12, 2012

It was fun Nadia....first time to this World Attended Event....maybe will go back in a few years. I believe there was a balloon or two from your part of the world too...I guess they Air Freight them up here (would be hard to fly all the way - LOL) ....quite the committment....Thank you for viewing & commenting. #10415591

Thomas E. Hinds November 16, 2012

Wonderful light, color, and comp here, Patricia! #10421804

Patricia A. Casey level-classic November 18, 2012

Thank you Thomas.... #10423878

Robert R. Goodman December 26, 2012

Hi Patricia,One these I will get up to Albuqerque and capture the balloons my friend.Excellent capture!!! #10479145

Patricia A. Casey level-classic December 26, 2012

Thank you Bobby! Happy New Year to you & yours.....=^..^= #10479626

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