+ Harbour Twilight + [02 Sunrise Sunset Pictures during the Golden Hours]
Uploaded: November 06, 2012 14:06:04
While recently visiting Sydney to see the 'Carnival Spirit' cruise ship, and watch it leave on a cruise, the evening light presented an opportunity to capture some interesting images. If you study the top arch of the bridge, you can just pick out some groups of figures climbing the structure. It would have been beautiful up there with all the lights starting to glow.
Category: Travel & Place
Exif: F Number: 4.8, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 10/25 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 400, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 30.00 mm, Model: NIKON D80
Phillip R. Connolly November 06, 2012
#1496869Robert R. Goodman November 06, 2012
Hi Phillip,That is awesome my friend.Bet that is a view of a life time.Excellent captures!!!! #10407525Katherine Kuhn November 06, 2012
Beautiful evening scene, Philip! Love the deep blue twilight sky! #10407579David Phalen November 06, 2012
A fabulous blue light capture with excellent POV, colors and clarity!! #10407620Barbara Waldoch November 06, 2012
Wonderful shot, Phil! #10407719Ann Coates November 06, 2012
A beautiful image Phillip. #10407772Tiia Vissak November 07, 2012
a cool night shot! #10407879Colette M. Metcalf November 07, 2012
Beautiful night capture!!!! #10408104Jeff Robinson November 07, 2012
Excellent pov and capture Phil! #10408145Joy Rector November 07, 2012
beautiful shot #10408189Anthony G. Comella November 07, 2012
Awesome view, Phillip you certainly know your stuff! #10408369John Connolly November 07, 2012
A superb twilight capture Phil! An amazing sight and image, you nailed the exposure with this one, that's for sure! #10408533Michelle Alton November 07, 2012
John usurped the words I was planning...pretty close, anyway. I love the view you captured. #10408655Mary K. Robison November 07, 2012
Outstanding night capture, Phil! Excellent pov and composition, with lovely glowing light. #10408810Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna November 20, 2012
Awesome lighting on this beauty, Phil! :-) k #10427402Nancy L. Green December 14, 2012
This is one GORGEOUS night image Phil, you totally nailed the lighting and colors, WTG!! <>< #10464111Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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