At the Art Museum [Staircases & Classic Spiral Stairways]
Uploaded: October 15, 2012 04:30:10
This, and many other sculptures and fountains adorn the areas on and around the "Rocky Balboa" stairs at the front of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
This is a portion of the huge fountain that sits just in front of the famous stairway that leads up to the Museum's main entrance. It was shot (handheld) the night our photo club met up to shoot the Open Air Light Show (ended yesterday). You can see two faint search lights above the sculpture, and in the distance, the colorfully lit Comcast Building and the white-lit City Hall, two miles away, at the end of the Ben Franklin Parkway (the Art Museum is at the opposite end of the road).
Have to rush out of here for an appointment in Philadelphia. Will try to catch up this evening.
Exif: F Number: 2.8, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/40 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 6400, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 34.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Michelle Alton October 15, 2012
Michelle Alton October 15, 2012
The photo's ID# changed midstream.member since: 2/14/2008 Wonderful comp and great light on this shot, Michelle. Your exposure is fabulous on this one too.
10/15/2012 4:32:24 AM #10369977
Carolyn M. Fletcher October 15, 2012
Wonderful shots, Mickey! Love it!! #10370048Connie J. Bagot October 15, 2012
Great capture Michelle! #10370132Monnie Ryan October 15, 2012
Beautifully done (both of them)! #10370159Lynne Morris October 15, 2012
Both images are fabulous Michelle. #10370250Carol L. Fowler October 15, 2012
Beautiful night images- the spotlights show up the scene perfectly #10370446Antonio Amen October 15, 2012
Great capture, beautiful. #10370499Mike Clime October 15, 2012
Beautiful night shot and wonderful comp, Michelle! #10370533Marilyn Cornwell October 15, 2012
It's great to see night images! THis is wonderful! #10370606Anita Hogue October 15, 2012
A totally gorgeous night capture! #10370878David Phalen October 15, 2012
Fantastic night shots!! #10371166Brett Dolsen October 16, 2012
Wonderful night scenes and composition Michelle! #10371566Emile Abbott October 17, 2012
Stunning night scene, Michelle. Great tones. #10373884Joyce S. Court October 28, 2012
Fabulous handheld capture of a night scene. Love the buildngs in the background. #10387792Carolyn McIntosh November 21, 2012
What a great night shot .. fabulous colour. Would love to visit this in person one day. #10428447Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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