804 Moon over the Brooklyn Bridge

Uploaded: October 07, 2012 19:01:01


This was the harvest moon. My friend and I went to pier 17 and photographed the moon rise. The moon was photographed then added to the bridge shot. The two shots were one frame apart. This scene has been on my bucket list for years and I finally got to photograph it.

Exif: F Number: 11, Exposure Bias Value: 4294966.30, ExposureTime: 150/10 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 100, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 70.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II


Patrick Rouzes level-classic October 07, 2012

And you did a phenomenal job, Harriet! The tones, nightlighting, clarity, pov, reflections, & the moon adds to the lovely mood! Congrats on this & good luck!

Harriet Feagin level-classic October 07, 2012

Thank you, Patrick. I have wanted to do this scene for a long time. Originally we were supposed to shoot it on Saturday the 1st but there were clouds. The forecast called for clouds on Sunday, too but late in the date the sky cleared. We rushed to the pier and were able to take the shots. I think I must have been a good girl or something because the next day was cloudy as well. Sunday was our last chance and it all worked out. I feel blessed that the weather cooperated. #10359816

Michelle Alton October 08, 2012

Very beautifully done! I don't think we "saw" a moon rise here--it was raining pretty much all evening. #10360332

Sheryl Sturges October 08, 2012

Simply gorgeous! Love everything about it... shimering water, twinkling lights, glowing moon, ominous clouds -- great work!! #10360470

Harriet Feagin level-classic October 08, 2012

Thank you, Sheryl and Michelle. I appreciate your kind words of encouragement. #10360568

Leslie McLain level-classic November 30, 2012

Congrats on a stunning finalist, Harriet. #10440390

November 30, 2012

Beautiful #10441317

Harriet Feagin level-classic November 30, 2012

Thank you for the kind comments. #10441571

Merna L. Nobile December 04, 2012

To my photo friend:
Look back with pride,
Look forward with excitement,
Enjoy the success of the day.

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