Sunrise Arch [03 Paths & Bridges & Roads Dams Arches]
Uploaded: September 27, 2012 04:13:23
Exif: F Number: 16, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 5/10 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 100, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 24.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Connie J. Bagot September 27, 2012
Big WOW---there is so much drama here and I love the way the Arch carries me through the entire photo. Very beautiful. #1488799Lindley Johnson September 27, 2012
Outstanding image, Leslie! I love the POV and composition - you've really shown the magnificence of the Arch. #10343420Stephen Zacker September 27, 2012
Great perspective and light. #10343859Rona L. Schwarz September 27, 2012
Marvelous POV and very unique capture of the Arch, Leslie! Love the soft muted colors and the dramatic composition! #10343933Rona L. Schwarz September 27, 2012
Marvelous POV and very unique capture of the Arch, Leslie! Love the soft muted colors and the dramatic composition! #10343934Tammy Espino September 27, 2012
Excellent view and capture!:) #10344073Ellen Hodges September 28, 2012
Stupendous capture, Leslie!!! Just gorgeous!! #10344634Carol Flisak September 28, 2012
Stunning image, Leslie! Love the perspective and composition to capture the entire arch, and the wonderful twilight colors! #10345471Ann Lyssenko September 30, 2012
Great graphics and color...just like being there! Ann #10348000Dayna Cain October 03, 2012
This will be a winner. Stunning capture! #10353931Joannie Bertucci October 29, 2012
Outstanding presentation Leslie of one of our Nations beauties! Congrats on your "arched" finalist! #10389126Lindley Johnson October 29, 2012
Congratulations on your fantastic finalist, Leslie! #10390232Linda S. Smith October 29, 2012
Congrats Leslie on this great finalist win! Wonderful capture with great detail, light and pov! #10390348Mitch Spence October 29, 2012
A unique and lovely view of this iconic structure, Leslie. Well done. Congratulations. #10390454Connie J. Bagot October 29, 2012
Congratulations Leslie---this really is awesome! #10390463Phyllis H. Burchett October 29, 2012
Fabulous shot Leslie, congrats! #10390605Kathy Salerni October 29, 2012
Huge congrats on your well deserved Finalist, Leslie! Good luck in the next round! #10391040Nancy L. Green October 29, 2012
CONGRATULATIONS Leslie on your wonderful finalist!!! <>< #10391156Rona L. Schwarz October 29, 2012
Now this one I remember!! It is so ethereal and just a marvelous composition. Super Congrats again on yet another spectacular Finalist, Leslie! #10391817Carol L. Fowler October 29, 2012
Congrats on your Finalists! #10392061Tammy Espino October 29, 2012
Congrats on your awesome finalist :) #10392729Carol Flisak October 29, 2012
Congrats on this fantastic finalist, Leslie! I see gold! #10392789Marcel J. Fernandez October 29, 2012
A very creative POV and super Finalist. Congratulations Leslie! #10392892Renee Doyle October 29, 2012
Cool pov and HDR! Congratulations Leslie!! #10393271Gina M. Savage October 29, 2012
Beautiful capture of the St Louis Arch. Congrats! #10393553Phyllis A. Houghton October 29, 2012
Congrats, Leslie! I'd like to echo Connie's comment. Again, you have a cool angle! #10393629Heather Loewenhardt October 30, 2012
Love the light and the wonderful angle. Congrats once again. #10394165Merna L. Nobile November 08, 2012
Receiving an award from Better Photo is just like unwrapping a gift, the thrill is always the same! It is also exciting to be able to send my personal congratulations to each and every one of you and I look forward to seeing the gold though out the galleries. Merna
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