Missing the Mark [Small Towns]
Uploaded: September 16, 2012 11:56:00
The Abraham Lincoln National Railsplitting Festival takes place the weekend after Labor Day in Lincoln, Illinois. There is a pioneer village at the festival where people (and many times families) wear period costumes and demonstrate period crafts. Here a young boy was practicing for the Tomahawk Throw contest to be held the following day. The object is to land the tomahawk on the playing card fixed to the target block. He must have tried about 12 times - and never did hit the card. In this composite, you can see that the tomahawk landed at about six o'clock on the block - the card is just right of center.
A composite of photos taken 15-Sep 2012, merged using CS6. Cloned sky to replace background distractions.
Finalist (DD) Sep 2012
Exif: F Number: 11, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/250 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 100, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 35.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Nikki McDonald
September 17, 2012
Katarina Mansson September 17, 2012
Lovely storyteller...and POV ;) #10326312
Mitch Spence
September 17, 2012
Chris Budny
September 17, 2012
Joy Rector September 17, 2012
love this capture #10326556
Bob Cournoyer
September 17, 2012
Terry A. Stoa September 17, 2012
Thanks Nikki, Katta, Mitch, Chris, Joy and Bob - for looking and the kind remarks.Bob - I think he tried about a dozen times - never hitting the card. There are (3) tomahawk images here... there's one on the block at about six o'clock... the card's just a little bit horizontal from center.
Richard B. Hallick September 17, 2012
Super image, Terry. I would love to step up to the plate and toss a tomahawk or two myself. Reminds me of an infamous episode of the Tonight show with Johnny Carson. I believe Ed Ames was tossing the weapon, but the target wasn't a playing card. #10326895Terry A. Stoa September 17, 2012
Richard, I remember that episode all too well. I used to do my high school and college homework watching Carson - and must've seen that segment on their "best of" shows 20 times! Yes, it was Ed Ames and he missed the mark in an oh-so-funny way. #10326902
Leslie McLain
September 21, 2012
Terry A. Stoa September 21, 2012
Thank you, Leslie. #10331535Marcy B. Reman October 28, 2012
Congrats on your finalist. Great capture. #10388960Susan M. Smith October 29, 2012
Great idea and capture Terry! Excellent execution! Congrats on your Finalist and best of luck in the next round! #10390856
Mitch Spence
October 29, 2012
Terry A. Stoa October 29, 2012
Thanks Marcy, Sue, and Mitch - this image was fun to create. #10393425Merna L. Nobile November 04, 2012
Receiving an award from Better Photo is just like unwrapping a gift, the thrill is always the same! It is also exciting to be able to send my personal congratulations to each and every one of you and I look forward to seeing the gold though out the galleries. Merna
Terry A. Stoa November 04, 2012
Thanks, Merna! #10403674Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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