Looking for a new house

Uploaded: September 15, 2012 00:03:48


Pardalotes gave up on the geranium pot and tried to move into an old strawberry pot. It doesn't look like a good idea and one got caught on something once, so I think they will not build a nest here either. If they keep going on like this, there will be no chicks.


Mary K. Robison September 15, 2012

What a shame, Barbara. Hope they settle in somewhere ASAP, and start the next generation.
Great stop-motion capture, btw. #1486476

Carolyn M. Fletcher level-classic September 15, 2012

Great catch. I hope they find a home soon. Cute little birds. #10323604

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe September 15, 2012

Excellent capture of nature at work! #10323638

Jack Gaskin September 15, 2012

Great Catch Tough luck on the nest
Just Natures way

Jack #10323689

Tiia Vissak September 15, 2012

a great capture! #10323811

Nancy L. Green level-classic September 15, 2012

Well, ya gotta admit, it LOOKS like a good place for a nest, VERY well done!! <>< #10323967

John Connolly September 15, 2012

Us humans are not the only ones with housing problems Barbara! What a wonderful capture of this delightful little bird! #10324221

Carol L. Fowler September 15, 2012

Well- they LOOK like birdhouses! Cute capture. Hope they fins their special place soon #10324450

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