Million Dollar Wildlife Overpass

Uploaded: September 13, 2012 20:58:41 | Entered: April 30, 2016 20:44:24


Banff National Park of Canada

To reduce the number of wildlife-vehicle collisions, a 2.4 m high ungulate-proof fence was installed along both sides of the twinned Trans Canada highway. To minimize the disruption of wildlife movements, wildlife underpasses were incorporated into the highway design. These two 50-m wide wildlife overpasses were the first of this magnitude to be built in North America. They are 50 metres wide, cost over a million dollars each, and are solely for use by the park’s wildlife.
Overpasses, a 2.4-metre tall highway fence and 22 underpasses have reduced wildlife road kill and collisions by more than 80 per cent. The overpasses are designed so animals cannot see the highway when crossing. Elk, moose, wolves, deer and grizzly bear tend to use the overpasses. Cougars and black bears like the underground passages.

Exif: F Number: 5.6, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/640 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 200, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 28.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 7D


Carol L. Fowler September 13, 2012

They are discussing building these structures on the highways around here. I never knew what they looked like- til now! #1486276

Tiia Vissak September 14, 2012

great colors, details & pov! #10322185

Jack Gaskin September 14, 2012


I knew all about the tunnels A GREAT PROGRAM.

Thanks for all the nice comments

Jack #10322404

Monnie Ryan September 14, 2012

Interesting concept - thanks for the info, Heather! And well done! #10322563

Jeffrey R. Bange September 14, 2012

Great capture and presentation Heather, glad to read how Canada is so involved in protecting their wildlife. #10323330

Mary Dimitriw level-classic September 15, 2012

What a great idea! It would be something to see them crossing overhead. Well seen and captured Ellen. #10323762

Nancy L. Green level-classic September 15, 2012

I love the way this is composed Heather, I love the way one is drawn into the image, VERY well done!! <>< #10323951

Emile Abbott level-classic September 16, 2012

Hi Heather, I took quite a few capture of these wildlife overpasses that are now a model for all National Parks worldwide. Drop by my BP site for my trip across Canada (I will hold this capture for a while however). You have a most beautiful country and I was glad to get a chance of the lifetime to photographic it. Rock on Prairie girl. #10325535

Tammy Espino September 16, 2012

I've heard of those. What a cool capture and wonderful for the animals! #10325556

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