Artist At Work

Uploaded: September 10, 2012 07:37:12


Indian artist Nikhil Chopra, a 2003 MFA graduate of The Ohio State University, returned for a public art performance as part of "Finding Time: Columbus Art 2012."

Chopra created a 48'x 132' charcoal drawing of a photograph taken from the stage of the Palace Theater in 1940, on the north wall of the Palace Theater in downtown Columbus.

I took this the day before he finished his work and did not get back until after a heavy rain storm destroyed the drawing.

101 Theme The Letter "S"


Exif: F Number: 8, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/200 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 400, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 28.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 7D


Bob Cournoyer level-classic September 10, 2012

Creatively seen and shot... :-)

Happy Theme Day #1485597

Chris Budny level-deluxe September 10, 2012

The the big green S! Seems like a great wall for a permanent mural, rather than charcoal. HTD! #10316871

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe September 10, 2012

Fabulous capture, David. Great find. #10316877

Emile Abbott level-classic September 10, 2012

Fantastic capture for the theme S David. #10316980

Julianne Bradford September 10, 2012

Great capture David..HTD! #10317001

Robert R. Goodman September 10, 2012

Hi David,Excellent capture my friend.I bet that was a beautiful work of art!!! #10317025

Mike Clime September 10, 2012

Nice capture and looks like it was going to be a cool piece of work, David! Too bad it got washed away. #10317028

Joy Rector September 10, 2012

beautiful shot #10317038

Leslie McLain level-classic September 10, 2012

Terrific capture, Dave. #10317070

David Phalen September 10, 2012

Thank you Bob, Christopher, Tammy, Emile, Bobby, Mike, Joy and Leslie!! #10317255

Claudia Kuhn level-classic September 10, 2012

Never seen a mural going up, must be cool to watch the progress, terrific find. Hope you show us the wall when its done #10317324

David Phalen September 10, 2012

Thanks Claudia!! Sorry to say I didn't see it completed. Rain washed it off before I got back.(: #10317363

Carol L. Fowler September 10, 2012

I always wondered how artists make huge sculptures and murals, since they can't see the entire scope for scale! I am sure it turned out well #10317420

David Phalen September 10, 2012

Thanks Carol!! I think that's why he is an artist and I am not.:) #10317431

Stefania Barbier level-classic September 10, 2012

Love the splash of green, great capture! #10317659

Douglas Pignet September 11, 2012

nice find and capture #10317760

Donna La Mattino Pagakis September 11, 2012

A great find, nicely seen and captured. A super S theme entry! #10318067

Nina Shields September 11, 2012

Art capturing art; fantastic work, David; love it! #10318074

Nikki McDonald level-classic September 11, 2012

Very interesting, Dave. I admire the artistic drive that has people creating that which will almost immediately be destroyed and considering doing that a vision and mission. So fleeting. #10318165

Tiia Vissak September 11, 2012

a great scene! #10318330

John Connolly September 11, 2012

Nokhil has taken grafitti to a whole new level David! What an amazing sight and capture! What a shame you missed out on the completed artwork! #10318637

David Phalen September 11, 2012

Thank you Sabrina, Doug, Donna, Nina, Nikki, Tiia and John!! #10318894

Patrick Rouzes level-classic September 13, 2012

Amazing find scene & capture, Dave! Very interesting image, my friend!

Heather Loewenhardt level-classic October 28, 2012

Terrific capture of the moment David. Congrats on another wonderful finalist. Good luck. #10388887

Marijana Fajgl October 29, 2012

Big congratulations on your wonderful finalist, David! #10389299

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe October 29, 2012

Congrats on a great finalist, David. #10389611

Robert R. Goodman October 29, 2012

Congratulations on your beautiful finalist my friend!!! #10389940

Michele Peterson level-classic October 29, 2012

Oh, too bad it was destroyed by the rain! What a creative capture you got of another piece of creativity. Congratulations on the finalist! #10391236

Naomi Weiser October 29, 2012

cool find, congrats! #10391268

Mitch Spence level-classic October 29, 2012

I'm fascinated by what he's in the process of creating here, Dave. Congratulations once again on the finalist. #10391732

Emile Abbott level-classic October 29, 2012

Huge congratulations my friend on this outstanding finalist. WTG Dave. #10392103

Errick L. Cameron level-deluxe October 29, 2012

Nice work here! Congratuations on this superb fianlist! #10392206

Tammy Espino October 29, 2012

Congrats on your awesome finalist :) #10392927

Monnie Ryan October 29, 2012

Another terrific image, David - congratulations again! #10392989

Claudia Kuhn level-classic October 29, 2012

Congrats on your finalist David! #10393272

Stan Kwasniowski October 29, 2012

David, congratulations #10393511

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic October 30, 2012

Wonderful composition and great eye, CONGRATZ on the Finalist, Dave!

UB. #10393894

David Phalen October 30, 2012

Thank you all very much!! #10394268

Patrick Rouzes level-classic October 30, 2012

Congrats my good friend.

JO ANN CLEVELAND November 01, 2012

Big congrats Dave, luv it!

jo ann c. #10399844

Marilyn K. Lincecum level-classic November 03, 2012

Congratulations on a wonderful finalist. #10402699

David Phalen November 05, 2012

Thank you Paddy, Jo Ann and Marilyn!! #10405520

Merna L. Nobile November 13, 2012

Receiving an award from Better Photo is just like unwrapping a gift, the thrill is always the same! It is also exciting to be able to send my personal congratulations to each and every one of you and I look forward to seeing the gold though out the galleries. Merna #10417347

Gary Enloe November 20, 2012

This is a very cool find David.. #10426377

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