Dancing couple. [Sports Photography & Recreation Pictures]
Uploaded: August 10, 2012 12:02:53
f/5.0, 1/1000 secs, ISO 6400, Lens 55-250 mm. This image was captured during a Dance performance by Mamata shanker Belle group. Here Fisherman & woman enjoying after a big catch. Category People.
Exif: F Number: 5, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/1000 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 6400, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 109.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS REBEL T2i
Patricia A. Casey August 28, 2012
Hello Tarun....am home from a five week adventure thru Alberta Canada and the West Coast of the US. Have not been keeping up with comments because of WiFi access being rather poor or limited in campgrounds where we were staying.....I'm so delighted to see another traditional dancing photo. My they look so lovely! I'll be catching up on comments over the next few days and working on my collection of photos from the trip. Have a glorious day ahead! Warmest regards.... #1483041Marijana Fajgl September 24, 2012
Big congratulations on your fantastic finalist, Tarun! #10336104Patricia A. Casey September 24, 2012
I am ever so delighted to see this as a Finalist....I hope it goes to Gold! Cheers, Tarun! #10336187Stefania Barbier September 24, 2012
how beautiful... congratulations on your finalist!!! #10336599JO ANN CLEVELAND September 25, 2012
Wowza! Congrartulations on this fantastic finalist Tarun!jo ann c. #10340932
Tarun Bose September 29, 2012
Thanks friends for appreciation. #10346631Merna L. Nobile October 01, 2012
I heard the good news…and could not be happier for you! CONGRATULATIONS, Merna
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