Uploaded: August 05, 2012 03:31:56
Exif: F Number: 5, Exposure Bias Value: 0.67, ExposureTime: 10/2000 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 400, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 82.00 mm, Model: NIKON D200
Gord MacEachern August 05, 2012
Wonderful composition Antonio, really like the B&W!! #1478779Joy Rector August 05, 2012
love this shot, great comp and patterns #10263338Anita Hogue August 05, 2012
A wonderful shot, Antonio! Perfect for b&W! #10263373Jack Gaskin August 05, 2012
Nice outside the box idea & catchJack #10263438
Tiia Vissak August 05, 2012
a cool b&w! #10263585Robert R. Goodman August 05, 2012
Hi Antonio,I agree with the rest.Wonderful capture my friend!!! #10263614Rony Sagy August 05, 2012
Fantastic composition and detail, Antonio. #10263647
Nancy L. Green
August 05, 2012
frank w. degenhardt August 05, 2012
Love the creativity behind the picture, the outcome, and the look. The black and white is perfect, the pov is outstanding and I enjoy the details. This is quite a masterpiece my friend. #10264034
Patrick Rouzes
August 05, 2012
Carol L. Fowler August 05, 2012
Neat photo! The B+W was a wonderful choice! #10264100Phillip R. Connolly August 05, 2012
What a wonderful human family photo, Antonio!! Very creative and such a great B&W image!Phil #10264134
Ellen Hodges August 05, 2012
Absolutely superb capture, Antonio!! So well done!! #10264181
Ann Coates
August 05, 2012
Renee Doyle August 05, 2012
Very cool concept, pov & capture Antonio!!! Wonderfully done ! #10264338Barbara Waldoch August 05, 2012
Excellent, Antonio! #10264377Ujjwal Mukherjee August 06, 2012
Wonderful idea and presentation!! #10264479Carolyn J. Connolly August 06, 2012
FABULOUS concept AND execution here, Antonio!! An OUTSTANDINGLY 'cool' image, my friend!! :-) #10264829
Reynaldo D. Reyes
August 06, 2012
Cindy Langley
August 07, 2012
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