Vodka Rocks

Uploaded: August 02, 2012 21:32:40


This display is next to entrance to a Russian Souvenir Shop where they also sell vodka. The "Take a Piece Of Russia with You" sign caught my eye and I instinctively raised my camera to shoot. For some reason, the man drinking his vodka slapped his forehead when he saw me take the shot. I had to explain that I was just taking a picture of the sign behind him. Wanna piece of Russia anyone? LOL! Soooo funny!

Exif: F Number: 5.6, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/2500 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 200, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 35.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II


JudyAnn Rector level-classic August 02, 2012

Love it, Reynaldo. #1478438

Mary K. Robison August 03, 2012

That's a terrific, colorful poster, Rey, and what timing you had on the noggin-knocking! Poor old guy was probably thinking, "Oh, no! I KNEW I should've worn my good outfit today!" As for his glass of vodka...I wonder where the bottle is...

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe August 03, 2012

Caught in the act. LOL. Excellent comp. and colorful capture. Great story too. #10260852

Robert R. Goodman August 03, 2012

Hi Reynaldo,Beautoful color my friend.Awesome capture and a favorite!!!! #10261118

Tiia Vissak August 03, 2012

a cool capture! #10261253

Carol L. Fowler August 03, 2012

Wonder what he was thinking??? Wonderful candid shot! #10261444

frank w. degenhardt August 03, 2012

LOL. These folks and their vodka. Just step into your picture, sit down and then slap themselves when they think you really wanted a picture of them. I love the colorful sign and see why you wanted a picture of it, but the guy makes this an Mt delight my friend. #10261527

Tammy Espino August 03, 2012

Proably thinking damn papparazi!! :) Great capture!!! #10261628

Nancy L. Green level-classic August 03, 2012

LOVE the reaction of this gentleman Rey,, a real bonus to this wonderful colorful image!! <>< #10261768

Antonio Amen August 05, 2012

Cool shot. #10263272

Patrick Rouzes level-classic August 05, 2012

Captured & presented to perfection, Reynaldo! Great story too!

Lydia Williams level-classic August 05, 2012

This is fantastic...and soooo funny! You got it at the right time....and perfect for the MT...:) I love it! #10263695

Deborah Lewinson level-addict August 06, 2012

Terrific MT entry, Reynaldo, awesome timing!

Debby #10264702

isabel C. Zepeda level-classic August 06, 2012


Great find and capture,that is a funny photo.

YSA... #10264871

Stefania Barbier level-classic August 06, 2012

great MT capture! #10264891

John Connolly August 06, 2012

An intriguing story and a delightful theme image Reynaldo! Nice work! #10265300

Laura E. Swan level-classic August 08, 2012

Maybe he was saying, "I could have had a V8"? HeeHee....

How fun, Rey. I am so nervous taking photos with people in them. I did this at a beach recently and wondered who would come and destroy my camera! HA!

Great work!

-Laura :D #10268134

Ellen Hodges August 08, 2012

Fantastic capture with awesome timing and clarity, Rey!! Must have been a fabulous trip ! #10268254

Phyllis A. Houghton August 15, 2012

You are a great ambassador for Russia, Reynaldo. I am enjoying the tour. Fun, colorful shot! #10277604

Amanda J. Tanner level-classic September 01, 2012

Perfect timing! Have you every thought this may make a great ad! ;>) Nice fun shot Reynaldo! #10303352

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