Aerial Combat [Sports Photography & Recreation Pictures]
Uploaded: July 31, 2012 06:45:34
Two Motocross cambatants take to the air in their duel to be first to greet the flag.
Photographed at the Hastings Valley Motor Cycle Club track at Port Macquarie, NSW, Australia.
Canon EOS 40D with Canon 100-300mm IS USM lens: RAW, f/5.6 @ 1/1000sec, 230mm, ISO 200, Continuous focus , High speed motor drive.
Lightroom3 & PhotoshopCS3.
Exif: F Number: 5.6, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/1000 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 200, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 230.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 40D
Arthur Bohlmann July 31, 2012
Great action photography. Great comp, detail and color #1478022Dennis Gay July 31, 2012
Hellooooo ARTHUR!Good to see you at the Motocross again mate.
LOads of thanks for your great wrap.
Dennis #10254544
David Resnikoff
August 01, 2012
Back on the track I see, mate.
Great take again
David R
Mary Dimitriw
August 03, 2012
Dennis Gay August 06, 2012
Cheers DAVID & MARY!!Terrific to see you both soaking up the Motocross action.
A double dose of Aussie thanks for your great collective feedback.
MARY: I hope you had a ball.
Dennis #10264723
Dennis Gay August 06, 2012
Vroom Vroom Mr EDITOR!!!!!Lots of high revin' thanks for awarding this duo a PICK!
D! #10264840
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