Door Prizes [Homes & Houses]
Uploaded: July 30, 2012 23:13:09
This was a large stately house on a prominent hill which can still be seen today from a major modern highway.
It saddens me to see it in such deplorable condition. It has many doors and each room is filled with mementos from the family who lived here long ago.
History: This house was built around 1904 by John McFayden, a horse rancher and telegraph operator for the CPR.
It was a palace for its time and place with indoor plumbing and steam heating and a panoramic view of the surrounding countryside.
GTC 2012
Gord MacEachern July 31, 2012
Love this Heather, wish there was a house like that near by here that I could explore with the camera. Beautiful capture! #1477946Michelle Alton July 31, 2012
I keep seeing ads for a photo contest featuring urban dn rural decay. This would be a GREAT entry. #10254254Monnie Ryan July 31, 2012
Terrific capture, Heather, and love the title! #10254579Tammy Espino July 31, 2012
So sad to see that! It is an awesome composition though :) #10256670frank w. degenhardt August 01, 2012
I can never understand why places like this are abandoned and let go to ruins. Love the title, enjoyed reading about the history of the place, beautifully composed with the doorways. Gorgeous colors and amazing textures. Sad to see, but your camera work is incredible my friend. #10257138Terry Cervi August 01, 2012
Wonderful detail in this fantastic shot, Heather. Too bad it was left in ruin. #10258882Reynaldo D. Reyes August 02, 2012
Judging from the colors and details shown here, this must have been such a showcase house during its time. It's just a pity, it's all run down. #10260558Jeffrey R. Bange August 02, 2012
Great find and presentation Heather, absolutely love the color of the old doors. #10260569Mary K. Robison August 11, 2012
What severe reversal of fortune could have befallen the builder/owner, causing him and his family to abandon this mansion?Nancy L. Green August 11, 2012
OUTSTANDING capture of this historic house!! I would love to see it restored!!! <>< #10271711Emile Abbott August 11, 2012
Sad to see it in disrepair. Great photojournalistic capture however. #10271787Lindley Johnson August 12, 2012
An amazing storytelling image, Heather! The story is interesting, too - one wonders what happened to the people who once lived here. #10272888Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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