A Meteor and the Milky Way [Star Pictures Star Trails Shooting Stars & Astrophotography]
Uploaded: July 29, 2012 03:03:43
In my driveway near Marquette, Michigan . Sigma 20mm, f/1.8, 30 sec, ISO 2500. Processed in Lightroom 4
Arthur Bohlmann July 29, 2012
Very nice composition,nice use of the trees as a border Paul. #1477508Howard Eisenberg July 29, 2012
Caught one. Nice job Paul. Love the Milky Way and agree with Art on the framing. #10248774Paul R. Nelson July 29, 2012
Thank you, Art, thank you Howard. My 20mm lens was just perfect to catch this much of this opening in my driveway and the trees as well. The Milky way was a bonus; I never expected to be able to capture that much detail. I also got two other good ones, as well as a couple that were ruined because my lens fogged up. It was a good practice for the Perseids coming up in two weeks, and this one may have been a early arrival from that group. #10248783Susan Williams July 29, 2012
This is truly awesome, Paul. I'm curious if you have any light pollution from the city to contend with. Did you happen to get the Super Moon on May 5th? #10248887Paul R. Nelson July 29, 2012
Thank you, Susan. Looking South, like I was for this image, there really isn't anything significant. There is a small bedroom community (+/- 1000 people?) about 6 or 8 miles Southwest at an old Air Force Base, and a small town (3000-4000 people) about 12 miles due South of me, as well as residences scattered between our place and there along the road to that town. There is a little more to the North, but not enough to prevent star trail images. As for the Super Moon, no, I didn't, as I was in Cleveland, Ohio visiting my wife.This is a second image I captured a little later, which I think is even better. #10248942
Susan Williams July 29, 2012
Both are impressive, Paul -- I like the second one, too, though choosing between them is unnecessary angst - they are both so beautiful. Your work should be in galleries, lobbies, offices, homes and magazines. Congratulations on your continuous successes. #10248978Paul R. Nelson July 29, 2012
Thank you, Susan, and thank you for the vote of confidence. I am actually taking my first small steps in that direction; I was just accepted into a local artist co-op,and will be putting some pictures up for sale there starting tomorrow. Time will tell whether you are right. #10249069Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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