The Race Is On!

© Lorna Shutter

The Race Is On!

Uploaded: July 27, 2012 04:49:20


The clean-up crew at the Blue Jays vs. Angels game. They only have a few minutes to get their work done!

(Taken using my 10X Optical Zoom.)

Happy Friday everyone!!!!! :)

Rogers Stadium (Formerly known as the Skydome), Toronto, Ontario, CANADA

Exif: F Number: 4.3, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/320 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 200, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 60.00 mm, Model: Canon PowerShot SX100 IS


Linda D. Lester level-classic July 27, 2012

Wonderful action shot! #1477169

Robert R. Goodman July 27, 2012

Hi Lorna,Beautiful capture Buddy.Running late on comments.Been in Florence,Az all day!!!!! #10246866

John Connolly July 27, 2012

A colorful action capture Lorna! That zoom lens works really well! #10247025

Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna July 27, 2012

Beautiful colors in this action image, Lorna! :-) k #10247176

Lorna Shutter July 28, 2012

Linda, Bobby, John & Kitty ~ Thank you all for your encouraging words! You should have seen how little they were without the zoom lens! ... Like tiny beetles on the field! :) #10247961

Tammy Espino July 29, 2012

Awesome shot , run boys run! #10249651

Laura E. Swan level-classic July 30, 2012

I thought they were playing a special sport at half time like Cricket or something. :D How wild! You were flowing with the heart beat of the day for sure!!!

Love it!!!



Bill Houghton July 31, 2012

Lorna, this is a beautiful action capture. Great sharpness and detail. Bill #10254207

Lorna Shutter July 31, 2012

Tammy, Laura & Bill ~ Thank you all for your wonderful comments! This was a fun shot! I caught them just before they ran off the field! :) #10256763

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