Star Trails over Little Presque Isle... [02 National Park Pictures & Parks Photography]
Uploaded: July 24, 2012 14:52:13
and a glimpse of the Aurora. On the shore of Lake Superior North of Marquette, Michigan. Sigma 20mm, f/5, 1962 sec, ISO 100. Processed using Lightroom 4
Howard Eisenberg July 28, 2012
Awesome star trail with great clarity in the photo. I love the reflection in the sand. With all you great night shots, I wonder if you ever sleep? #1477343Arthur Bohlmann July 28, 2012
Nice work Paul What time did you thake this? I see light on the horizon but not sure if it is just as the sun has set or beginning to rise. This might answers Howards question too. LOL! #10247594Paul R. Nelson July 28, 2012
Thank you, Howard, and the answer to your question is probably not often enough. In fact I was out photographing star trails at my house at 3:30 this morning and came as close as I ever have to capturing a nice meteor right overhead; the camera was aimed right and the shutter was open, but I was in the middle of a 30-minute exposure, and I don't think it was bright enough to show up. :( Someday I will get one; the Perseids meteor shower is coming up 2 weeks from tonight.Thank you, Art. It was sometime between 3:00 and 3:30; the time data was 3:15, I believe, and I assume that was the beginning of the exposure. The orange is the sun lighting up the Northern horizon. Because of how far North we are and the tilt of the Earth, the light from the sun is seen in the North before it comes up in the East. #10247677
Arthur Bohlmann July 28, 2012
Thanks for the meteor shower info. I might drive up to Joshau Tree to photograph it if the position in the sky is right for the spot I have in mind. #10247686Paul R. Nelson July 28, 2012
You are welcome, Art; I knew you were interested from past meteor showers. More info from is well up in the northeast sky after midnight. If you can see a pattern of stars that looks like a sideways “M” or “W” (that’s Cassiopeia), Perseus is below it so you’re looking in the correct direction."
I hope it works out for you. I will be bringing my wife home for a week that day and we plan on spending the night outside watching/photographing them. Make sure to post any you get. #10247699
Arthur Bohlmann July 28, 2012
Thanks for the info Paul. If I go I will definately post a few images #10247767
David Resnikoff
July 28, 2012
What else can be said
Just exceptional work
David R #10248077
Paul R. Nelson July 28, 2012
Thank you, David. This was a beautiful night, and I really enjoyed sitting in a chair by the shore of Lake Superior, listening to the quiet waves and watching the stars, while the camera did its work. #10248122
Randy D. Dinkins
August 29, 2012
Howard Eisenberg August 29, 2012
Congratulations on this spectacular finalist Paul! Hope all is well, haven't seen new posting/heard from you in a while. #10295028Susan Williams August 29, 2012
Congratulations, Paul! A well-deserved award for this magnificent capture. #10295391Arthur Bohlmann August 29, 2012
Way To Go My Friend! #10295999Paul R. Nelson August 29, 2012
Thank you, Randy. I'm glad the info helped, and hope you get the chance to try it. I find it enjoyable to sit in the dark and enjoy the stars while the camera does it's work. I have the long-exposure noise reduction turned on and let the camera process it while I drive home.I was aiming for 30 minutes and gave it a couple extra minutes to make sure and just happened to end up at that shutter duration.
Thank you, Howard, and I appreciate your concern. I've had to step away from my camera and the club for a little bit due to other considerations (for one, my wife came home for a week for the first time in 5 1/2 months), but hope my schedule will clear up soon.
Thank you, Susan; I appreciate the compliment.
Thank you, Arthur, my friend. It is good to hear from you. #10296118
Nikki McDonald
August 29, 2012
Paul R. Nelson August 30, 2012
Thank you, Nikki. It was a memorable night and I am glad that I was able to share it a little bit. #10298910JO ANN CLEVELAND September 08, 2012
Wowza! What a beauty Paul, if I were the judge, t would get Gold!!!Big congratulations on this fantastic finalitst!
jo ann c. #10314296
David Resnikoff
September 08, 2012
Well Done
David R #10314330
Paul R. Nelson September 08, 2012
Thank you, Jo Ann; I really appreciate the compliments.Thank you, David; your vote of confidence is much appreciated #10314750
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