Looking Down [Ohio State Pictures]
Uploaded: July 24, 2012 06:32:40
Looking down from the second floor of the Grand Stair Hall in the Ohio Senate Building
Exif: F Number: 8, Exposure Bias Value: 0.67, ExposureTime: 1/30 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 3200, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 20.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 7D
Robert R. Goodman July 24, 2012
Hi David,wish I could find a building like this my friend.Stunning EOD!!!! #1476634Tammy M. Anderson July 24, 2012
Beautiful pov, comp and capture. Monnie. #10242476Tammy M. Anderson July 24, 2012
Sorry David. #10242477Stan Kwasniowski July 24, 2012
David, well done #10242492Mike Clime July 24, 2012
Terrific pov and an excellent EOD, David! #10242577Tiia Vissak July 24, 2012
a wonderful capture! #10242667Claudia Kuhn July 24, 2012
Great light and lines David #10242784John Connolly July 24, 2012
A wonderful scene with excellent perspective, light and design David! What a brilliant capture! #10242789David Phalen July 24, 2012
Thank you Bobby, Tammy (I've been called worse.:)), Stan, Mike, Tiia, Claudia and John!! #10242811Ann H. Belus July 24, 2012
Great eye to get this exquisite POV, David! Love the light and color and tones! #10242970JO ANN CLEVELAND July 24, 2012
jo ann c. #10242998
Carol Quina July 24, 2012
GORGEOUS! #10243131Stefania Barbier July 25, 2012
beautiful lines and capture! #10243480Joy Rector July 25, 2012
beautiful #10243512Renata Gusciora July 25, 2012
Wonderful capture,David!Beautifully taken with great light and pov! #10243524Rony Sagy July 25, 2012
Fantastic lines. #10243654Jeff Robinson July 25, 2012
Outstanding perspective, detail and capture! #10243760Katherine Kuhn July 25, 2012
Wonderful light, lines & detail, David! What a wonderful building to get to shoot in! #10244119David Phalen July 25, 2012
Thank you Ann, Jo Ann, Carol, Stefania, Joy, Renata, Rony and Katherine!! #10244308Randy D. Dinkins July 25, 2012
Great pov and details, well seen and taken. #10244322David Phalen July 26, 2012
Thanks Randy!! #10245085Heather Loewenhardt July 26, 2012
Your POV is fantabulous revealing so many lines and textures below. #10245912Jill Odice July 26, 2012
Really like all the angles and levels ! Nice composing David! #10245966David Phalen July 30, 2012
Thanks Heather and Jill!! #10250195Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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