Even Shadows Burn
Uploaded: July 21, 2012 04:11:07
A lone shrub, growing from the hard, baked ground in Valley of Fire State Park, NV. While working on the image, I started to see the flowing lines
as resembling lava, especially after vignetting. I also liked how the shrub shadow looked on the rippled surface; suggested fire to me.
Exif: F Number: 8, Exposure Bias Value: -0.67, ExposureTime: 1/800 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 100, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 38.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XTi
Jack Gaskin July 21, 2012
Amazing what grows out there. Have been twice and it's a very interesting place loaded w/Photo Ops.Jack #1476051
Joy Rector July 21, 2012
beautiful #10238554Linda D. Lester July 21, 2012
Great eye Chris! Awesome work as always! #10238638Bob Cournoyer July 21, 2012
Great detail....almost looks like a burning bush.... #10238907Chris Budny July 22, 2012
Thanks, folks! #10239816Amanda D. Austwick July 22, 2012
Nice bright colors and detail! #10240180Chris Budny July 22, 2012
Thank you, Amanda, and thanks for viewing my gallery today! #10240245Melinda F. Schneider July 22, 2012
A truly striking image! Very creative to boot! #10240246Chris Budny July 23, 2012
Thanks, Melinda! #10240714Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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