Coloured by Light [Washington DC Pictures]
Uploaded: July 18, 2012 03:19:02
The colours and lighting are changing endlessly in the beautiful National Cathedral Washington DC
Exif: F Number: 22, Exposure Bias Value: -1.00, ExposureTime: 5/1 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 200, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 50.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Renee Doyle July 18, 2012
Michelle AltonContact Michelle
Michelle's Gallery
member since: 5/3/2007 This is a wonderful vertical image. Love the way you framed the sculpture at the blue-lit end of the vanishing point.
7/18/2012 2:47:48 AM
R. J. Laudenbacher
Contact R. J.
R. J.'s Gallery
member since: 2/14/2008
The colors in this are beautiful Renée! I love your framing also! Gorgeous shot of this beautiful place.
7/18/2012 3:12:53 AM #1475497
Danny B. Head July 18, 2012
Great focal point! #10234311Renee Doyle July 18, 2012
Paul E. EarlContact Paul
Paul's Gallery
member since: 3/18/2005
Just gorgeous.
7/18/2012 3:24:11 AM
Tammy M. Anderson July 18, 2012
So beautiful, Renee. Thanks for the info on the Library yesterday. We leave early tom morning. #10234329Jeff Robinson July 18, 2012
Outstnading in every way Renee! #10234342Gord MacEachern July 18, 2012
Perfectly captured and presented as usual Renee! #10234353Ken Smith July 18, 2012
That's another place on my bucket list. I like the leading lines in this, Renee. Nicely done! #10234366Carolyn M. Fletcher July 18, 2012
It's gorgeous! #10234390Linda D. Lester July 18, 2012
Just beautiful! It was a challenge to get! So many people and then the light would go away! :) Lots of fun! #10234539Gail Vitikacs July 18, 2012
Beautifully captured Renee! Chris said you all could have stayed there all day!Stefania Barbier July 18, 2012
perfect exposure and fabulous color Renee... it's a beauty! #10234661Jill Odice July 18, 2012
LOve the blue light ! Beautiful scenery and image Renee! #10234790Bob Cournoyer July 18, 2012
Great light/reflection/comp... :-) #10234870Anita Hogue July 18, 2012
I too love the leading lines! An absolutely perfect exposure and composition! #10235079John Connolly July 18, 2012
Fabulous composition and magic tones Renee! Another outstanding presentation! #10235291Ann H. Belus July 18, 2012
Your capture of light and color is awesome, Renee! #10235347Terry Cervi July 18, 2012
A beautiful shot, Renee! I know how tricky it is to get a clear shot of it! #10235355Susan Williams July 18, 2012
Beautiful comp, colors and lighting. Simply outstanding work. #10235637Ellen Hodges July 18, 2012
Lovely colors and pov, Renee!!! Looks so. Beautiful!! #10235687Barbara Waldoch July 18, 2012
Wonderful, Renee! #10235779Chris Budny July 19, 2012
Beautifully done! I especially like how the marble floor looks in your image. #10236130Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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