Outstanding in Her Field

Uploaded: July 17, 2012 02:45:17


f/8, 1/800sec., ISO-400, 300mm focal length, 28-300mm lens

~Not something you usually see wondering around in the wide open range. Taken at The Wilds located outside Zanesville, Ohio.~

Exif: F Number: 8, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/800 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 400, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 300.00 mm, Model: NIKON D3S


Jack Gaskin July 17, 2012

Now thats one HELL OF A CHICKEN Frank Perdue who be proud to claim it ;o)
Nice catch you could have claimed South Africa or some other African Nation and gotten away w/it.

Jack #1475288

Danny B. Head July 17, 2012

What a great title (and image)! #10232859

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe July 17, 2012

Fabulous capture, Becky. Like to visit there someday. #10232867

Kevin P. Kreischer July 17, 2012

Excellent capture R J, that is something you see every day #10232880

Carolyn M. Fletcher level-classic July 17, 2012

I love those places where you can see stuff like this. Too cool! #10232905

Michelle Alton July 17, 2012

This has to be the most attractive turkey shot I've ever seen. A favorite, Becky. #10232949

Michelle Alton July 17, 2012


It's also the most attractive Ostrich shot I've ever seen! What a goofball I can be! #10232952

Shirley Sicurello level-classic July 17, 2012

Great shot and title! #10233033

Robert R. Goodman July 17, 2012

Hi RJ,We have a big ostrich ranch out by Picacho Peak my friend.Outstanding capture my friend!!! #10233145

Terry Cervi level-deluxe July 17, 2012

LOL, Doris. I love the title of this and your capture is fantastic! How did Buby like her? #10233232

Mary Beth Aiello level-classic July 17, 2012

typing this w/one hand, as Bailey is having his yogurt. Love this, Becky. And what a great title too. #10233334

Ellen Hodges July 19, 2012

Super cute capture with awesome pov, Becky!!! #10236889

Avril Young July 20, 2012

terrific capture...wonderful pov and colour.. #10237049

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