Barrel Racing

Uploaded: June 18, 2012 17:49:46


There is a lot of training and communication between horse and rider in barrel racing.
I loved the way the rider's hair flew like the horse's tail in this capture. They seemed to fly as one.

f/5.6 Canon 70-200@153mm 1/1600 sec ISO 320


Lindley Johnson level-classic June 18, 2012

The judges are going to have a tough time this month choosing among your action shots, Heather. This is another terrific image! #1469943

Tammy Espino June 18, 2012

Excellent! #10187314

Mary K. Robison June 18, 2012

Beautiful horse, Heather, and I agree about the synchronized flying hair. #10187621

Debbie Bray June 19, 2012

Another beauty shot, Heather! I know the difficulty trying to capture these shots, my next door neighbours do barrel racing at the back of our property. I've tried on numerous occasions to capture a good one! #10187759

frank w. degenhardt June 19, 2012

You are so right my friend. That is amazing action freeze framed. They do flow as one, each knowing what part they play. Again the action is incredible, your picture shows off every muscle of the horse, the move of the rider. I am so amazed at the sharpness of the picture, how the colors are so vivid, how the picture is even more detailed than when we see it with out own eyes.
This is already one sensational series and I hope there is so much more. A thrill my friend. #10187852

Mary Dimitriw level-classic June 19, 2012

This is an awesome series Heather!! So detailed, excellent stop action. #10187972

Monnie Ryan June 19, 2012

Fabulous action capture, Heather! #10188229

Anthony G. Comella June 19, 2012

Superb photos - Top shelf!! #10188789

Jill Odice level-classic June 19, 2012

Nice stop action shooting! #10188895

Robert R. Goodman June 19, 2012

Hi Heather,Beautiful capture my friend.We see a lot of barrel racers out here.They sure are fast!!!! #10190411

Jeffrey R. Bange June 19, 2012

Another fantastic stop action shot Heather, for someone that has never photographed a rodeo before your photos are spot on and absolutely beautiful. #10190633

Tiia Vissak June 19, 2012

a cool shot! #10190816

Mike Clime June 20, 2012

Great action shot, like the flying hair and tail, Heather! #10191772

Nancy L. Green level-classic June 20, 2012

I LOVE everything about this OUTSTANDING action shot, VERY well done!! <>< #10192209

Emile Abbott level-classic June 21, 2012

You are doing outstanding work on your rodeo shots. Your timing is spot on perfect. All are excellent Heather. #10194444

Joannie Bertucci level-classic June 25, 2012

Heather, all of your rodeo images are outstanding! Your level of stop action imagery is beyond perfect! #10200303

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