Prince of Peace, Episcopal church, Gettysburg, Pa. [America Pictures Pennsylvania]
Uploaded: June 10, 2012 20:10:27
Canon 40D, tamron 18-270mm lens, f/16, 1/320, ISO 400
Carla Capra Anderson June 11, 2012
Boy that red door sure pops against the stones. I like how the shape of the top of the door repeats in those windows. Great find, Beth. #1468477
Rita K. Connell
June 11, 2012
Michael Kelly
June 11, 2012
I find that in spite of the bright red door the shot has an overall dark and moody feel. Lightening it up and opening the shadows would help that. I also selectively reduced the red channel on the door. Here is a quick example of what I have in mind. #10176328
Beth Spencer June 11, 2012
Thank you Carla and Rita. Mike I wasn't sure about the red channel, but think I got it. I selected it, then did an adjustment layer with levels and did the red channel. It is lighter now. Thanks #10176848Anthony L. Mancuso June 12, 2012
Nice comp and colors Beth...I do think the original needed to be lightened a bit, but I think the edit went to far with that and you lost too much of the texture and contrast in the stonework. #10177336Teresa H. Hunt June 12, 2012
Oh I love the red door! I like the moody feel of the original. I do agree with Tony I think you lightened it a bit to much. :) #10177681Wendy M. Hansen-Penman June 12, 2012
Funny, I have some photos of an episcopal church and it too has a bright red door? Is that a thing? I think this is a perfect exposure. I like the color and contrast, and of course, the composition. #10178119Aimee C. Eisaman June 13, 2012
Congrats on the EP! :~) I don't like the changes on this one...they make it feel to washed out for me and bring out that green too much. I think this would be a great one to try some selective coloring on! #10178481Debbie E. Payne June 13, 2012
Love the shot, B9th - you are a bit underexposed and Michael's is a bit overexposed/lost contrast. So I would suggest somewhere in the middle. But the judges loved it and we do too! And the door is right in the sweet spot as well. #10178795Beth Spencer June 13, 2012
Thanks guys, I will give the edits a try either tomorrow after work or on Friday. #10179411
Rita K. Connell
June 15, 2012
Beth Spencer June 16, 2012
I finally got some edits done. I was trying to figure out how to do the SC in Viveza and finally found it. It is my first attempt so hopefully I will keep at it.Aimee C. Eisaman June 16, 2012
I really like the last one with the interesting version of this image. I can't say I like it better than the all color version....they are both good! :~) #10183222Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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