The Cabin Trail [America Pictures Pennsylvania]
Uploaded: June 07, 2012 02:48:05
One of the trails at Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve in Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania.
The park was devastated last year, first from the ravages of Hurricane Irene and then from the deluges of the damaging storms that followed.
Trees fell like dominoes, the pond was destroyed, bridges were washed away. But the worst blow to the park was that the 10-foot wrought iron fence and gate that surrounded the park were trashed, allowing deer to "have their way" with the abundant blossoms.
This was shot on May 3. The deer fence is back up (though I do not know how or IF the deer were taken out), the bridges have been repaired, a new pond is being constructed in a "safer" location. All the work has been done with donated funds.
It's a wonderful place to take your family, if you are in the area.
Exif: F Number: 8, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/25 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 250, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 24.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 7D
Michelle Alton June 07, 2012
Carolyn M. Fletcher
June 07, 2012
R. J. Laudenbacher
June 07, 2012
Karen E. Michaels
June 07, 2012
Danny B. Head June 07, 2012
Nice capture and story. Good to hear things are on the road to recovery. Like the wildflower images as well. #10171297Jack Gaskin June 07, 2012
Lovely Flowers for the Cozy Cabin & YES THATS WHAT DEER DO...Jack #10171433
Lynn M. Whitt June 07, 2012
Beautiful place and great pov. I like the flowers also. #10171445Monnie Ryan June 07, 2012
Love the perspective and composition, Michelle (and the wildflowers, too)! #10171558
Emile Abbott
June 07, 2012
JudyAnn Rector
June 07, 2012
Marilyn K. Lincecum
June 07, 2012
JO ANN CLEVELAND June 07, 2012
We here in Alabama certainly suffered from the tornadoes, many lives were lost as well as homes, property, etc.Your image shows much beauty, love your composition Michelle, well done!
jo ann c. #10172028
JO ANN CLEVELAND June 07, 2012
We here in Alabama certainly suffered from the tornadoes, many lives were lost as well as homes, property, etc.Your image shows much beauty, love your composition Michelle, well done!
jo ann c. #10172029
frank w. degenhardt June 07, 2012
Always hard to see the destruction that can happen so quickly. As Jo Ann mentioned, in Alabama here we have seen so much of it in property and life.
Claudia Kuhn
June 07, 2012
Tammy Espino June 07, 2012
Beautiful capture!! #10172143
Ann H. Belus
June 07, 2012
Deborah Lewinson
June 08, 2012
Debby #10172626
Neal D. Hatcher June 08, 2012
Beautiful-Iwould love to visit there #10172745
Amanda J. Tanner
June 08, 2012
Jeffrey R. Bange June 08, 2012
Beautiful capture Michelle of this little log cabin, did Little Red Riding Hood happen to be home with Grandma. #10173198
Ken Smith
June 08, 2012
Ujjwal Mukherjee June 10, 2012
Excellent composition and the 'green' makes this image very appealing,Michelle!! #10174622
Randy D. Dinkins
June 10, 2012
Jill Odice
June 14, 2012
Veronica S. McGinnity July 11, 2012
Beautiful picture! Enjoyed looking thru your gallery :) #10224882Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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