Very Old Techneology [Shape]
Uploaded: June 01, 2012 19:44:53
I have always been intrigued with the gears on our very old Hein Werner floor jack because of the red-green color combination. These type and shape "teeth" on gears are no longer made. Getting any sort of a decent photo actually was a challange due to the placement of the gears.
Exif: F Number: 3.2, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/40 seconds, Flash: did not fire, auto mode, ISO: 80, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 10.28 mm, Model: DiMAGE Z3
Cynthia M. Wiles
June 02, 2012
Songbird Cline
June 02, 2012
JudyAnn Rector
June 02, 2012
Peggy Pfister
June 02, 2012
David M. Montero June 03, 2012
Love the textures, comp and colors. Fantastic work Songbird. A favorite. #10166897JO ANN CLEVELAND July 30, 2012
Congratulations on this wonderful finalist Songbird!
jo ann c. #10251165
Songbird Cline
July 30, 2012
Rona L. Schwarz July 30, 2012
Marvelous composition with wonderful textures and colors Songbird! Congratulations! #10251934
Songbird Cline
July 30, 2012
Phyllis H. Burchett July 31, 2012
congrats on this wonderful winner Songbird! #10256260
Peggy Pfister
July 31, 2012
Renee Doyle August 01, 2012
Wonderful textures, colour and comp Songbird! Congratulations! #10257018
Martha R. Mazon
August 01, 2012
Rona L. Schwarz August 01, 2012
Delighted to see this one again, Songbird - it's wonderful! HUGE CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR 2ND PLACE GOLD WINNER! #10258102
Songbird Cline
August 01, 2012
David M. Montero August 01, 2012
Congratulations on winning gold Songbird! #10259072
JudyAnn Rector
August 02, 2012
Mary Beth Aiello
August 05, 2012
Songbird Cline
August 05, 2012
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