Kevin #2 [04. Black and White B]
Uploaded: May 13, 2012 16:32:07
My mate Pete and I met this jovial gentleman and his wife who were visiting Port Macquarie at the Crèma Espresso Bar on one of our many visits. Kevin was a most interesting, entertaining and funny conversationalist and his wife played the part of 'straight man' very well. Wonderful people.
Canon EOS 40D with Canon 28-135mm IS USM lens: RAW, f/5 @ 1/160sec, 65mm, ISO 125.
Lightroom3 (with a touch of Split Toning added) & PhotoshopCS5.
Exif: F Number: 5, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/160 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 125, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 65.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 40D
Arthur Bohlmann May 13, 2012
Another great image Dennis. The expression of your subject and clarity are oustanding #1462788Robert Jensen May 14, 2012
beautiful portrait #10136449
David Resnikoff
May 14, 2012
Lovely smile on the subject
David R
Nikki McDonald
May 14, 2012
Dennis Gay May 16, 2012
Woohoo Mr EDITOR!!!!!Kein and I thank you kindly for awarding his impromptu portrait a PICK!
D! #10139628
Dennis Gay May 16, 2012
Woohoo Mr EDITOR!!!!!Kevin and I thank you kindly for awarding his impromptu portrait a PICK!
D! #10139630
Dennis Gay May 16, 2012
Yowza ARTHUR, ROBERT, DAVID, & NIKKI!!!!Great to see you all at the Crèma.
Quadruple the thanks for the wonderfully encouraging collective feedback.
Dennis #10139634
Carla Capra Anderson June 18, 2012
Congrats, Dennis! #10186609
David Resnikoff
June 18, 2012
David R #10186663
Dennis Gay June 18, 2012
Yowza Mr EDITOR!!!!!Massive thanks for elevating Kevin to FINALIST status. I am honoured.
D! #10186686
Dennis Gay June 18, 2012
Ciao CARLA & DAVID!!My warmest Aussie thanks to you both for your collective cheery congratz and support.
David: I have been waiting for quite a while for one of those mate. It has been a long time between drinks. My ambition is for a POTD. 8-)
Dennis #10186700
David Resnikoff
June 18, 2012
It will come.
David R #10187015
Arthur Bohlmann June 18, 2012
Way to go Dennis. Congratz! #10187032Dennis Gay June 18, 2012
DAVID, With your strong support how could it not happen???!!!Dennis Gay June 18, 2012
Hiya ARTHUR, Thanks for the return visit, the congratz and the WTG Award mate.
Lydia Williams
June 19, 2012
Dennis Gay June 19, 2012
Hola LYDIA!Good to see you at the Crèma again.
Muchos gracias for your "Wonderful" feedback and cheery congratz.
Dennis #10189894
Merna L. Nobile June 20, 2012
Do what you love, and it will make your soul rich. CONGRATULATIONS, for being an award winner for the month of May, 2012. Merna
Dennis Gay June 20, 2012
Maaaaarvellous MERNA!My warmest Aussie winter thanks for your lovely words and capital congratz.
Dennis #10193318
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