Cats Who Love to Play Chess

Uploaded: May 09, 2012 04:54:15


Okay, I had a wild dream last night. I was living in an old English tudor mansion, and Miss Kitty and her friends ran down the hallway and into the parlor. Wait. I have no parlor. I forgot, this is a dream.

"Let's flip this floor over," Miss Kitty said. "One side is Parcheesi and the other is a chess board. And we LOVE chess," she said.

When the spotlight came on, the lion yelled, "Okay, it's the Crowns versus the Hats."

"Hey, no one says 'versus' anymore," Miss Kitty said. "But this is a dream," smiled the demure cat wearing the Queen's crown.

"Okay, Hats," Miss Kitty said. "Let's move."

"Not so fast," said the Lion King. "Any bets on the winners? And how do you want to pay? Check? Money order? IOU? Cash?"

Miss Kitty rolled over laughing. She then yelled out "Check, mate!!!"

I'm so glad I woke up.

Another Miss Kitty adventure in the digital darkroom.


Gina Cormier May 09, 2012

Damn.....there goes my nod for a DD finalist for this month!! LOL So creative!! You should do more of these and sell them!!!! Love this!!!! #1461865

Dayna Cain level-classic May 09, 2012

You sure have a creative imagination and the DD skills to make it happen! Love it! #10130607

Terry Cervi level-deluxe May 09, 2012

OH, this is fantastic, Mary Beth! Love your're really good and you've made me laugh again. And your DD to go with it is just so creative and wonderful! Superb work all around and a fave! #10130621

Robert Jensen May 09, 2012

Outstanding ... I hope we see this one again #10130643

Linda D. Lester level-classic May 09, 2012

How the story and your dd work is outstanding as always! #10130660

Carolyn M. Fletcher level-classic May 09, 2012

Wow, I want to be in your dreams! They are a lot better than mine! #10130698

Robert R. Goodman May 09, 2012

Hi Mary Beth,I think this more like a DD winner.Beautiful effects my friend!!! #10130701

frank w. degenhardt May 09, 2012

You certainly operate on another level. Creative gyenius you are. A fairy tale with dazzling colors and characters. Brilliant work my friend. #10130810

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe May 09, 2012

Outstanding DD work and a great story to boot. Awesome!! #10130828

Stefania Barbier level-classic May 09, 2012

LOL fantastic DD creation Mary Beth! #10130965

Barbara Budzinski level-classic May 09, 2012

It's absolutly stunning. Inspiring, beautiful and funny !!! #10130970

Dr Silly level-classic May 09, 2012

Hahaha, love it. :O)

Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna May 09, 2012

LOLOLOLOVE this, Mary Beth...both the image and the story! :-) k #10131205

Zita A. Strother level-classic May 09, 2012

You have a strange and wonderful mind...I like it a lot!!! #10131286

R. J. Laudenbacher level-classic May 09, 2012 are a hoot! LOL This is so wonderful and creative and your DD skills are unsurpassed. #10131311

David Phalen May 09, 2012

Absolutely amazing, creative work here Mary Beth!! Ever consider putting your fantasy images together in a book? #10131315

Joy Rector May 10, 2012

well done #10132026

Laura E. Swan level-classic May 10, 2012

Lol...Yes. Check [mate] for sure! :D This was fun! Thank you and WHAT TALENT YOU HAVE, Mary!!!! #10132712

Lorna Shutter May 12, 2012

Wow! Your creativity amazes me, Mary Beth! I just love your wonderful tales and the images that go with them! You should be illustrating childrens' books with your unique photography and DD work! An awesome image! ... and a Fave for me! :) #10134858

Stephen Zacker May 22, 2012

This is captivating #10145857

Donna La Mattino Pagakis June 01, 2012

So cool Mary Beth. Love it!

All of your work is truly inspirational. You are an amazing ARTIST!!! #10164636

Tammy Espino June 18, 2012

Congrats on your awesome finalist! :) #10185615

Cathy Barrows June 18, 2012 cute #10185751

Lorna Shutter June 18, 2012

I knew it!!! CONGRATULATIONS on your Finalist Award for this AWESOME image, Mary Beth!!!!! WTG!!! Good luck in the next round!!!!! :)
Photobucket #10185933

Patricia A. Casey level-classic June 18, 2012

OMH.......Mary Beth, you are amazing! This is another wonderful creation.....are you published? you must be....have to google you.....into favorites....Congratulations.....all the very best in the next round...this is a WINNER!!!! Cheers ^..^= #10185941

JO ANN CLEVELAND June 18, 2012

Congratulations on this awesome finalist
Mary Beth...sure to be a winner, you are the master of these creations!

jo ann c. #10186076

frank w. degenhardt June 18, 2012

What talent you possess my friend. Congratulations on yet another Finalist. #10186099

Danny B. Head June 18, 2012

So creative! Congrats! #10186416

Phyllis H. Burchett June 18, 2012

Awesome, congrats Mary Beth! #10186580

Carol Quina level-classic June 18, 2012

Very unique & creative entry. Congrats on the finalist. Good luck in the next round! #10187492

Stefania Barbier level-classic June 18, 2012

LOL fantastic creation Mary Beth... huge congrats on your finalist! #10187654

Debbie Bray June 19, 2012

Superb work, Mary Beth!! LOVE all your images, you are a very creative lady!! Congrats on your well deserved finalists!! #10187835

John Rivera level-deluxe June 19, 2012

Congratulations Mary Beth on this great and creative Finalist! #10188144

Graham Robards June 19, 2012

Heee heee heee, what a dream Mary Beth, I love your creativity, congratulations on your wonderful finalists! Best of luck in the next round! Pat #10188163

Chris Budny level-deluxe June 19, 2012

Your whimsical creations for Ms. Kitty are exceptional; artistic, fanciful, and brilliantly executed. Congratulations! #10188503

June 19, 2012

Very detailed fantasy scene! #10188834

Mitch Spence level-classic June 19, 2012

A marvelous addition to your series from your fertile mind, Mary Beth. Congratulations. #10189010

Errick L. Cameron level-deluxe June 19, 2012

Miss Kitty sone to get gold! #10189733

R. J. Laudenbacher level-classic June 19, 2012

I love all of these and you need to publish a book writing the story to go with all of them. Congrats with your funtastic finalist! #10190231

Michele Peterson level-classic June 19, 2012

Funny and creative! Congratulations!! #10190368

Terry Cervi level-deluxe June 19, 2012

Love them all, Mary Beth!! Congrats on your very creative finalist! #10190656

ALLEN O. HOWARD June 21, 2012

An awesome presentation Mary Beth! Congratulations! #10194046

Merna L. Nobile June 25, 2012

Do what you love, and it will make your soul rich. CONGRATULATIONS, for being an award winner for the month of May, 2012. Merna #10199812

Laura E. Swan level-classic June 25, 2012

Congratulations!! Pictures, Images and Photos

See what happens when we dream? :) Wonderful for you and I'm so happy to see this up for GOLD, Mary Beth! :)

-Laura :D #10200255

Avril Young June 26, 2012

wow!!! this is just too wonderful for words...what a creative lady you are...sure makes me laugh...lovely story...
Your work is amazing, just love your portraits!! you are an ARTIST!! #10201891

Carol Teal June 27, 2012

Very creative and a funny joke too! Congrats on this fabulous DD finalist! #10202561

Patricia A. Casey level-classic January 31, 2014

So glad to see this one included in the snapshot gallery too....stunning!!!!! #10960860

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